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Knock knock!

A sad,yet silent nod can be heads in front of the Fire Kingdom's castle.

"Yes?" One of the guards said.

"It's me.I need to see CB right now,let me in.." She said in a sad tone.

"Umm...sorry,Queen.Sir Cinnamon Bun is currently hunting for uh..friends in the woods.He left us a note though,and he said that;whatever you do,don't let FP get back here.She needs to win Finn back! Let her know i said that so that she uh...know how brave i am..Oops..i wasn't supposed to say the last part." The guard said.

"So you're saying that you guys are banning me from the castle?" She said in disbelive.

"Uh..yeah..atleast untill you win Finn back.." The guard said.

"Ugh...CINNAMON BUN!!!!!!" She screamed so loud,even Cinamon Bun from the forest heard it.

"Oh crap,let's go Loner." Cinnamon bun said from the other side.

"Can i atleast have my journal and stuff back?" She said.

"Uh..sure..he didn't say anything about stuffs.." The guard then went to FP's room and grabbed her journal and stuffs from her room.

"Here you go,Queen." The guard said.

"Thanks,I'll be back in a hundred year i guess." Flame Princess said sarcastically.

She felt alone.If only her mother was here,she would tell her what to do.Unlike her father,Flame Princess's mother is soft and nice.That's where she got her kindness from.It affected her father a bit,but that's before he turned her into a stove.

Flame Princess had nowhere to go,so she decided to camp near the lake before.

She made a tiny house using sticks.Somehow,she remembered the trick that Finn told her.She could still remember her joking arround,making butt-faces and fart-noises in the water.She ignored that though in the hopes of moving on.She's starting to imagine things.

She finished building the house of stick,but there is just something missing.


"Perfect."she crawled into her tiny tent and tried to write something in her journal.

It's not only a journal to be exact.It's also a spellbook.Finn gave it to her,after he battled a ten leged dragon,she managed to make a wish,but in the form of a book.So he wished for a book that;'could help me and FP get closer,more than we already are.A book that could help,and make her learn new stuff,that will hopefully be usefull for her,and everyone or everything that is around her.A book that could make us...her...happy.'

So the dragon gave him this.And Finn gave the book to her.And she gave her something that every boyfriend would want,a kiss and a hug,plus a sleepover,and a date together.Although they've already done that before,Flame Princess learned a spell that could prevent her from burning things,but she could still use her powers.

She still kept the book untill now.'for research purposes' she said.But we all know what the book is for..

After the breakup,she started to create new spells.Such as turning people and stuff into flame creatures,multi-coloured flames with different uses.Creating creatures that is as powerfull as goliath,even though it'sa REALLY REALLY DIFICULT spell,And more.

She again snapped out of thoughs.Dhe began to blush.
"Stupid Phoebe.Move on,you loser!"she said to herself.

After that,she felt lonely.

"If only you were here mom.." She said to herself.Without noticing,Flame Princess started to cry silently.She mumbled un-understandable words,and burned a burned the grass.


She felt something or someone, holding her elbow.

In the position of battle,she shooted her Flame at the thing that's holding her.


it flew right trough the thing...the person who is behind her.


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