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You know those survey's you receive at school? Mostly on the first day of school. They ask you whats your name (Skylar Daniels )your age(17)and stuff like that. Well there is always at the end the question anything else you think is important that you think I or we should know? Ya well I hate those survey's. I get that they are to help you. I usually just write no or N/A or I am a fast reader. But if I answered that question truthfully I would right yes I think you should know that I am a werewolf. Yes you read that right a werewolf. If a wrote that the teacher would ether think (A.) I was joking or (B.) I am crazy. Yup that would end well and if I did write it I would also be punished by the alpha of the Moonlight pack.AKA also know as my dad.

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