-Yes. You can always count on me; I'm here to listen to you – You said while looking at him. -Is there something bothering you? – You asked concerned.

-Nothing too bad for you to make that face – He pocked your cheek. -I'm just thoughtful; with all these projects, I don't know if I'm going to do well – Ten admitted.

-Why do you think that? – You questioned.

-Hmm, maybe because I've been thinking about the fans. There are things we haven't cleared out yet for them and I feel bad for them – Ten explained.

-Well, if there's something you should know is that they'll support you all the way. You already demonstrated your strength and bravery; your loyalty and kindness. I'm sure they love you the way you are – You told.

-Are you for real? – Ten asked while looking at you.

-Yes – You nodded before kissing his lips gently. -You shouldn't doubt them; they are your fans after all – You said.

-I know, babe... I was just a little skeptical – Ten sighed. -And I'm missing the boys. I'm grateful you came to Seoul with me – He smiled.

-I couldn't leave you all alone with Lucas, both of you needed someone in charge – You teased.

He chuckled softly. -So, can I say that you are babysitting us? – Ten questioned.

-Indeed – You nodded while laughing a tad.

-Oh my god~ that's not true! We aren't that bad on our own – Ten chuckled.

-You are! At the airport Lucas almost got lost when I went to the restroom – You remembered.

-Oh... yeah, I remember that – Ten said. -But we arrived safely – He pointed out.

-That's true – You agreed.

Ten let his head fall on your shoulder as he started to hum softly. You were caressing his hands while looking at them before you took it in between your hands, and pressed it gently.

-You missed me – Ten teased.

You scoffed. -Of course, who wouldn't? – You spoke. -Even though we arrived together from the airport, we haven't been able to be with each other... I was concerned – You admitted.

-No way~ you don't have to be concerned about anything! I'm here and I'll be always here – Ten grinned before kissing your head.

You blushed out after hearing his words, he chuckled by your cuteness before lifting you from the couch. He took you upstairs towards the room, he placed you on top of the bed before laying down beside you.

-Much better – He inhaled as he turned around to see you. -You must be sleepy, huh? – Ten whispered.

-Hmm, hanging out with Johnny and Yuta is more tiring than I expected – You giggled. -They were taking me everywhere they could; the park, the mall, the dorms, movies and then we just chilled here – You remembered happily.

-I'll get jealous – Ten bothered.

-Yah! – You complained cutely before hitting his side sloppily.

He laughed. -I'm just kidding; I know you enjoy to be with me more – Ten smirked.

-Of course, Honey~ – You said cutely.

-Do you want to kill me with your cuteness? – Ten questioned while holding your cheek.

-Maybe – You joked before closing your eyes. -I'm just sleepy – You spoke.

-So, get some sleep – Ten murmured.

-No, because I don't want to lose time with you – You admitted while looking at him concerned. -I want to spend more time with you.

He sighed. -Oh, babe. I'll be right here next to you; I won't go anywhere – Ten assured.

-We still have a lot of things to talk about... and I want to stay up to talk – You said.

-We'll talk tomorrow, right now I see that you are trying so bad to stay awake – Ten smiled softly before pecking your lips. -Sleep, little monster – He chuckled along with you.

You nodded before getting closer to him, you snuggled against him as he started to embrace you warmly, he kissed your head sloppily before chuckling softly by your cute reddish cheeks. You can't help but feel flustered.

-Sleep well, my baby – Ten whispered near your ear as you started to close your eyes.


I hope you liked this storyline and that you enjoy this comeback from my part. I'll be trying to update as much as I can, after all, everything changed for me since I'm starting my last year of High School.

On the other side, I want to mention that everyone should support WAYV. Just kidding! Well, if you like NCT or if you are a true fan, you should check them out and give them some love. They are super talented, funny, their friendships are so amazing and strong! Also, they are very energetic and passionate; that inspires me to find something that can make me feel such happiness and excitement. So, I just wanted to say that since WAYV is my favourite sub-unit from NCT. Anyways, I hope you have an awesome day or night!

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