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Today's the day. I'm finally moving out of my parent's home in Baton Rouge and heading towards the country. Malnik, to be specific. You see, somewhere in the middle of the bayou, surrounded by all sorts of swamp, lies a relatively large patch of land.

And on that land, the school of my dreams, my new home; Malnik Elite University. All the students are brilliant, disciplined, and wise. I mean, they have to be. The workload is so immense and the hours so strenuous, you won't survive without any discipline.

Gosh, am I excited. I must have spent a hundred bucks alone on new highlighters and pens.

The best part, though, isn't the work or the students. It's the school itself. 7 buildings, all three-story, high-tech labs, the newest machinery, a gigantic library, and a complex system of trams that connect the main island to at least 20 surrounding ones.

The thing is, though, I got in on a scholarship. And not a normal one. Mine was oddly specific in its conditions.

I can't just go to school and get my degrees, I have to actually... participate in activities... with a good attitude about it! And, let me tell you, I'm a wallflower 100%, so this ain't going to be that easy.

But, I'll do anything for a crack at the Malnik Laboratory, so I accepted. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.


So? Whatcha' think? Is it ok?

I'll work really hard on it, I promise! I'll update, too! Just please don't hate it.

And pleaaassseeeee don't hate on my choice for a Louisiana setting, I'm moving there soon, actually, and thought I'd be a good way to move towards the acceptance stage of grief.

Til' next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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