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"Cecil is such a feminine name" "Why does your name sound so familiar? "Do you come here often?" You don't have to tell me; I've heard em all. I didn't think too much of my childhood. My dad was President of a well-established corporation. My mother was a teacher. I lived the life of a very strict but loving household. I got picked on a bit during school, but didn't care about anything but my grades and having fun most.  It wasn't until middle school that I took interest in fighting back against bullies. It's all because of her. This girl. Don't remember her name, or much besides the fact she was very placid and bit of a robot. If you tried to talk to her she wouldn't reply. A real bitch am I right? But I found her interesting. Why was she so mute to everyone but teachers? My mother, our homeroom teacher was always concerned about her. I honestly was a bit jealous but I knew why my mother was like this.

My mother, herself was in an abused relationship before my father. I remember the horror stories my father told me when I was little; about her getting beat all the time or how she was starved. I understood that he told me so I could never hurt someone like that. However, a 10-year-old hearing traumatic experience was not a smart decision pops. None-the-less, I did learn from those stories, and it made me both appreciate and understand the strong women who raised me. Does it mean I love and trust all women? Hell no! However, it made think why mother relates to this messy head girl.

One time, I saw her, a bunch of ashy white boys tugging at her clothes and hair. Now if I learned anything from both of my parents, there were 2 ways to approach the situation. I choose my father's option. I didn't even realize what I was really doing till they were running from me. Panting hard with my Chanel glasses on the ground, I blinked and looked at the startled girl on the side of me.  Her smokey hazel eyes were big and trembling. Swallowing hard, I pulled my eyes away from her, looking down the hall. "You alright?" From the corner of my eyes, I saw her nod a bit. I smiled softly and ran off.

I never saw her after that moment of time. She didn't show up to school the next day, and it made me very nervous. Did I scare her? How long was she getting bullied for? Before I knew it, they stopped calling her name for attendance. After a month, the school forgot she even existed. Well, not my mother and not me.  Though she isn't in the front of my mind, she does come to mind in certain situations. Its been around 17 years since I last saw her, and I've gone through my own shit. 

By the time I reach high school, I moved onto contacts because glasses weren't hitting it for me. I not only was nerdy but jocky. I was artistically pleasing and poetic. I was what a lot of people wanted to be, but I didn't care. All I cared about was having fun. Even in college that rarely changed. I went to a top University of my father's choosing and went down the business route so I could take over the business when I'm as wrinkly as the old bastard. I partied a lot after every huge exam as a celebration for a job sure to be well done. I dated a lot of women but never lasted long with them. They didn't care for ME. They cared about my appearance and my last name. 

By the time I graduated with my masters, I was sick of trying. I was sick people clinging to me.  It only got worse as I took a department of my dad's corporation.  I don't want to sound full of it, but it's like the women, and some men, in this building don't know how to keep their thoughts, and hands to themselves. "Sir are you free later?" "Sir, you look so good today" " Sir want to go for a drink afterwork?" If you could see how hard I'm rolling my eyes in my head behind my closed lids. So I made a decision on which would be a life Permanente one; Not only will I not accept such foolishness under my control, If you work directly with me, I will make you rethink that decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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