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hehehe my ship 


Yes, the run was supposed to be for finding somewhere safe. And yes, they thought they found that perfect place. That was the problem, actually. They felt as though they were safe, and then things happened. He lost her. 

Going back to the beginning of what seemed to be a lovely day, John awoke from his sleep at his normal time. Which was about a half hour after sunrise, when Sarah came and woke everyone up. June woke up first, while John stayed "asleep" in her arms until she "woke" him. No, he wasn't sleeping. He only wanted things to stay like that. Her in his arms, the warmth of her body up against his. But she would kiss him, "waking him up". He would smile at her, kissing her again afterwords. She would smile back at her, they would get ready for the day. June would put on a button up shirt over her tank top, then she'd tie her dirty blonde hair up. Meanwhile, John threw on his boots and his belt, putting his pistols in their holsters. They would kiss each other again before getting out of the truck, heading outside to begin the days work. 

Today, Sarah had looked over a map with Dwight, and decided to look in an old school to see if it would be safe for them to stay for a while. Sarah was leading the run, June, John, Morgan, and Al were going to follow her lead. Everyone else was staying back until they knew it was safe. 

Morgan packed some supplies into the back of a pickup truck, while Sarah gassed it up. Everyone else came over once they were ready to leave. 

Within twenty minutes or so, they arrived at the abandoned school. They all got out, bringing two bags of the supplies with them. Al carried one, and June carried the other. Everyone took one flashlight and turned it on, once getting into the dark building. There were bodies, and they were the bodies of children too. Small children, some of them looked to be no older than 7. June covered her mouth in disgust. The smell of the rotting flesh made her want to vomit, but the shock from seeing the small children scared her more.  John wrapped his arm around her, pulling her away from the ones at the front of the building. When June turned to him she could see tears in his eyes, but he blinked them away once he noticed she was looking. He always had a soft spot for children. They all did if they were being honest. 

Sarah looked into one of the classrooms, shining a light into it. She nodded, there was at least one walker inside. Morgan readied his staff, as they heard the soft growl from inside the classroom. He stabbed his staff into the skull of what looked to be a teacher. She fell to the ground, red-brown blood splattered onto the floor. Morgan flicked his staff, to remove of some of the blood on it. They kept going through all of the school, clearing out classrooms and other rooms. The group split up, June, John, and Al went to search one side of the building, and Morgan and Sarah went to check another. There was a bright light at the end of the hallway, it looked as if the roof had collapsed. June looked at two walkers in the hall, as they started limping towards them. One adult, a woman wearing a floral skirt and a blouse, stained with blood from a bite wound on her next. Next to her, was a young child that had turned, a little boy wearing a hoodie and jeans, a bite mark on his face.

They walked forewords, not wanting to take the risk of firing a gun. Al and June used their knives to kill each of the creepers. Al didn't struggle when it came to the dead, the were worse things she had to do. She took care of the child, knowing it would break June to have to do it. June took care of the woman, which wasn't a problem for her. She always thought about each walker she killed, but usually it didn't faze her. If it was a child, it would faze her a lot. This didn't. But as they kept walking, getting closer to the light from the roof, June caught glimpse of the child that AL had to put down. It brought tears to her eyes, seeing the small boy on the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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