4 || M E O W (2)

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Blind 04 || M E O W (2)


My eyes fluttered in excitement as I gaze my head around, even though I was sightless.

'Meow.' I repeated back, carefully yet excitedly, not to scare it away, also suppressing my excited giggle.

I just knew I wasn't dreaming.

I could swear, I look like a frantic person who was staring blankly trying to find something, but do I care?


Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?

Wait, is it a he or a she?

'Come here.. meow.' I cooed.

Then, the vibrating sound head towards me.

So that's the sound it makes.

I can almost see it.

Feels it's softness against my palm.

Feel the warmth under my fingers as I pat its head.

Smell it? Nah too much.

I giggled on the silly thoughts swarming on my head.


I didn't notice the small creature that was coming for me as my imagination tries to know what it look like until I flinched on the sound when it hopped up on the bench, I made a space, carefully scooting close just next to the edge of the bench not to fall off.

'meow.' There it is again.


I frowned and flinched at the sound of an oh so familiar beep, from my watch.

Damn you watch.

Ah it's over. I sigh.

'Meow.' I called out, nothing.

Maybe the beep scared it away, sigh.

It also scared me, or just made me sadden cause it indicates our fun time, is now over.

'Bye meow.' I said and waved to particularly no one. I don't care if people look at me weirdly, I am happy with my own little world and secret, I giggled again.

My face had a frown, already missing the soft fluff of the creature.

But I have to leave my little secret now.

My little secret.

Just as I stand up to turn and await for my escort, I had a sudden shiver that made the hair on my skin stood up. I could feel a presence of someone watching me from, somewhere.

Staring right at me, maybe?

Was it me or my imagination?

Shrugging it off, I am in no way a walking attraction so how can that be? But though, the urge to go look for it was strong too, sensing something bad. I leaned away from the unknown presence.

I'm just a silly girl with silly thoughts, and a secret. I shook my head and giggled.

'Miss y/n.' I flinched but then inched closer to the familiar aura of my escort,

fixing my composure and giving a smile.

Ah, Albert.

Blind | Slenderman RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora