
Tom- I'm gonna miss this place

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Tom- I'm gonna miss this place. It feels like home.
Tord- You have a real home on earth.

Tord- You have a real home on earth

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Tom- Home here we go!

Tom- Whoah is this real hands!?Tord-Yep

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Tom- Whoah is this real hands!?

Tom- These clothes are nicer than in the game

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Tom- These clothes are nicer than in the game.

Tom- These clothes are nicer than in the game

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Tord- Tom!

Tom- Yeah Tord?Tord- I got something for you

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Tom- Yeah Tord?
Tord- I got something for you.

Tom- Yeah Tord?Tord- I got something for you

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( Tommee bear! )

Tord- Here,for you

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Tord- Here,for you. Just to remember our friendship if we get seperated.

 Just to remember our friendship if we get seperated

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Tom- Thank you Tord.

Tom- I think I wanna cry

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Tom- I think I wanna cry.
Tord- Don't cry Tom.

We're best friends. We will be together forever.

The End.

Author- Okay okay! Before you scream at me Im gonna release a Season 2 of this story. I really enjoy writing this story. I got an idea making the Season 2 is Torm and Medd. Going into the game also. Okay done. Now you can scream at me.

The End Of The Story.
Fanart going in da new book.

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