chapter one --- dr. z

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I huffed, tapping away at the keys attached to the terminal that was a little too small for my overgrown, mutated form. What I was doing quite happened to be illegal in our little pod, but frankly the guards were too afraid to mess with the "smart greenie" down the hall. I flickered my vision from the screen to the green digital clock sitting on my desk, hunching forward and poking my glasses up from my nose to see better.

"Hmph... better work faster," I said to myself, typing speedily as I read the lines of data about the pod "master" yes, that is in fact what Mr. Song called himself. Mr. Song was quite an interesting character, despite the corruption within his childhood and teenage years he still miraculously managed to gain title as master. Digging up dirt on your superiors was considered treason, so it was likely that if I was found out, I would be forced into the dirty wasteland that was once New York. While this isn't preferable, I knew they wouldn't kill me, and having dirt and my intelligence, I could easily overpower them with my information.

Of course I'd need to gather an army, or rather a group of mindless, bumbling greenies that would obey my command, simply because I spoke as if I wasn't a complete and utter dumbass. I found myself spacing out, my ruined fingers stopped tapping at the keys, pupils dilating as I planned my blueprints for simply taking over.

"Ahem, Doctor?" A curious, older woman's voice fluttered from the now open doorway, making me jump. Swiftly I had turned the terminal off, knowing my program would save automatically. I did make it myself, after all.

"Yes, Enonski?" irritation laced my sharp, slightly hoarse voice. I sighed and rested my head in my hands for a moment, before standing up and turning to the calming voice that echoed throughout my nearly empty and lifeless lab. My eyes met hers, and I relax my tense muscles. I scanned her small, calming nature, the elder woman was almost like a mother to me, one that I had never had prior to becoming one of the head scientists.

"Don't use that tone with me, Mr. Genius." The woman quipped, allowing a teasing smile to peel at her wrinkled features, her eyes squinting and showing years of age with her grin. A laugh slipped her, shuffling which caused a gentle clanging noise appear in the now comfortable silence. It sent a wave of curiosity through me, and I approached the woman, placing my fingers together and placing them over my midsection. She shuffled to the side and revealed a thick chain linked to something that stood outside the cracked door. I move to speak, but the spunky intelligent lady cuts me off.

"Master Song has found a... new specimen of your kind, he seems rather intelligent," Enonski explained, rolling her eyes as she over exaggerated the elder's preferred title, not enjoying that she was required to call the man that. "Now, as much as I dislike keeping greenies in cages and chains, it's required for, excuse my language, ferals." she finished, gazing up at me without much of a reaction.

"Are you serious, Doctor?" I grumbled, annoyed with the new responsibility thrust upon me. I lifted a hand to rub my face, "Are you kidding? Do I really need to take care of one of those filthy feral children?" I grew aggravated and huffed, before getting cut off by heavy footsteps interrupting the quiet conversation we were having.

"Hey little lady- There's a greenie mixed in wit ya tannies?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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