◦Trials and Victory.◦

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 "There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires."

Nelson Mandela


January 14, 18:21 PM CDT


"The UET has been placed back in its cryo chamber and has been moved to room 3-21, it is currently waiting for transport back to the airport," Galloway remarked blandly to Dave. "Looks like all your worry was for nothing. Project Match is still comatose, and the UET is on the other end of the building waiting to be sent back to Bialya."

The other scientists just gave a soft 'harrumph' sound and leaned back in his chair. He took the rubber ball in his hand and tossed it against the wall, catching it as it bounced back. "It would seem so." He responded. Still obviously sounding skeptical. He kept his eye on the monitors, the beady brown orbs narrowing at the various security feeds. "I, however, will only relax when it is gone without incident. Then we shall see."

Suddenly, a loud reverberating voice went through their minds. 'Sleep.' Dave felt his eyes slipping closed of their own accord, Dr. Galloway beside him crumpling as he reaches out to hold onto the edge of his desk- sending his coffee mug and papers crashing to the floor. Dave tries to reach for the emergency button to activate the lockdown in the facility- but his vision goes black before he can reach it.

His limb drops limply as his face thuds against the keyboard. From the vents scurries out a small creature. It leaps onto the back of the leather chair nimbly like a cat before crawling atop the unconscious man's back to get to the keyboard. He shoves the man's face off of it, sending the man careening to the floor. 'Most unfortunate.' he intones dryly, as Varinax clicks several keys, pulling up the feed to room 3-21.

He sees the familiar face of Match's savior within a pod, her limbs encased in ice as she lies dormant within a metal pod. He clicks a few keys, turning off the security measures in the room remotely- and he can see the pod depressurize as the coolant stops pumping.

When he sees her stir, his horns glow a soft red. 'Sister, it is time.'


Her eyes flutter open, frost still clinging to her eyelashes as she emerges from her state of recharge to conserve energy. The pod clicks open, and as it does- she drops to her knees. From the corner of her eye, she sees movement and twists her head over in that direction; only to see Varinax climbing out of the small vent in the room. She pushes herself into a standing position, happy to see a familiar friendly face.

She catches him as he drops down, and he immediately settles into a perch upon her shoulder. 'We must hurry, the ones watching the security feed will not be out for long before my influence fails to hold control over them. I will direct you to brother Match's cell.' She nodded quickly as they exited the room.

All of the hallways looked the same to her, thus it was lucky that Varinax was with her. Not only did the Genome know where to go within the maze-like hallways of the facility, but he also was able to warn her when someone was coming.

As they finally came to the final hall where Match's cell would be, that was when a red light began to flash and an alarm rang through the facility. Clapping her hands over her ears, she looked questioningly at the small creature. 'They have awoken, hurry!' She ran down the corridor, her face morphing into a concerned one when she saw a metal door begin to shut the hallway off.

Fractured Healing-YJ fanfic-Match x OCWhere stories live. Discover now