Part 36

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I woke up at 7 and I walked downstairs and picked up from last night. Then my phone started vibrating and it was Jake.

Kourtney- hello
Jake- hey I want the kids today for a video
Kourtney- yeah ok but their sleeping right now
Jake- that's fine I'll pick them up at 9.

I said ok and we hung up. I finished cleaning and did laundry and then I walked to my room to get ready. I straightened my hair, did my makeup and then got dressed.

I had heels on and then Ryatt started crying and I walked to her room

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I had heels on and then Ryatt started crying and I walked to her room.

Kourtney- hey little girl

I picked her up and got her blanket she loves.

Kourtney- what's wrong

I felt her head and she was warm. I walked downstairs and looked at her temperature and it was a little high. Then tydus walked down.

Kourtney- tydus your going to Jakes
Tydus- ok
Ryatt- I want tooooo
Kourtney- Ryatt we're going to eat breakfast with Anthony.
Ryatt- da da?
Kourtney- yeah

I brought them upstairs and then changed them into clothes. Then my security started calling me.

Security- Jake is here. You want me to let him him
Kourtney- yes thank you

I walked downstairs with the kids and Jake walked in and I let Ryatt lay down in the living room.

Kourtney- Ryatt has a small fever
Jake- ok text me if you need anything
Kourtney- ok I will

They left and then I picked up Ryatt and walked out and put her in her car seat. I covered her body with her blankie and then her stuffed animal. I drove to Panera and then carried Ryatt in and I saw Anthony in line to order.

Anthony- hey
Kourtney- hey
Anthony- Ry Ry you tired
Kourtney- she has a small fever. I'm going to hopefully feed her and then give her medicine.
Anthony- aww

We ordered and then sat down and I put Ryatt in a high chair and started feeding her.

Anthony- we haven't talked in a while
Kourtney- I know
Anthony- how's everything
Kourtney- good I guess. I have everything moved in at the house
Anthony- I have to check the house out sometime
Kourtney- yeah bring everyone else they haven't seen it yet
Anthony- hey I'm really sorry about everything that happened between us
Kourtney- I don't want to talk about our break up here in public
Anthony- well we need to talk whether it's here, team 10 house or your house

I gave Ryatt medicine and I held her in my arms because she was getting tired.

Kourtney- fine lets go.

We walked out and he followed me to my house in Jakes truck. We got home and Anthony parked next to me.

Anthony- this house is so big
Kourtney- haha thanks
Anthony- how much
Kourtney- 12 million
Anthony- holy shit

I Still Love You💜(Anthony Trujillo)Where stories live. Discover now