Where It All Began

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     The pitter-patter of the rain danced around the city. The sounds of cars in the distance honking and her heels clicking collided along the walls of the buildings. The sun was already set and the temperature had already dropped; leaving the city to feel cold and saddening. 

     Walking down the street, Im Jisung found herself stuck in a mixture of discomfort and melancholy. Without an umbrella, Jisung had no choice but to endure the cold drops. As she turned the corner, a tall man bumped into her. He is a handsome man. No taller than six feet and wearing a beautiful smile. 

     "My apologies ma'am," he said. "Do you have an umbrella?"

     "Not at the moment," Jisung said.

     "Let me walk you home, that way we both can feel a little drier."

     Growing up in the city, Jisung learned it is hard to accept stranger's kindness out of fear they can be a threat. With this mindset, she politely declined and continued her way down the street. 

     Finally home, Jisung changed and laid down on the couch. Opening her phone, she messaged her mother. 

Hey, mom 

                                  Jisung! How are you? You haven't messaged for a while. 

Not too well

                                 Aww, what's up?

Just tired, I guess

     Jisung did not want to break the bad news to her mother. So instead, she opted for the safe choice of sleep deprivation. 

                                How much sleep have you gotten this week?

Not much, but I'll catch up on the weekend. 

                               Just make sure you're eating properly and exercising. I'll drop by sometime and check-up.

No need for that, I can take care of myself.

                               Well, how's Youngjo? Have you planned the wedding yet?

Let's chat tomorrow. Okay?

                               Uh, sure, sleep well. Goodnight. 

     Jisung felt the tears weld up. "Stupid Youngjo, stupid wedding, stupid job," she cried. 

     Memories of her friends and relatives warning her began to ring throughout her head. 

     "Marrying your boss is insane. Why would you do that?" her sister asked. 

     "That foolish man can't take care of a girl even if the word care smacked him across the face," her grandmother often said. 

     "He's just using you for your looks. He just wants the look of a good relationship," her friend said. 

     "Why was I so stupid?" Jisung questioned and got up to the kitchen to get chips.


      Not long ago, Jisung and her fiance Youngjo were happily going on dates and visiting his family. When they went outside they were seen as the flawlessly built relationship. But once behind closed doors, everything fell apart. 

      The two often fought. Whether it be over the smallest thing like who fed the fish or as big as who was the reason for them fighting. They looked perfect, but they were never meant to be. 

     Jisung hasn't been able to figure out if it was her stupidity to fall for him or if it was him that made her upset. 

    Just this morning, Jisung walked joyfully to the office getting ready to teach her intern. Her fiance was off on a business trip so she was in charge of the branch for the time being. 

    Everything was going fine. That was until she saw a familiar Tesla in the parking lot. Jisung took a deep breath and continued to walk into the office. 

    "Good morning, Mrs. Jisung," said one of the employees. 

    Jisung smiled and nodded, "Good morning, Dohyun."

    Jisung proceeded to the main room. That's when she saw Youngjo was back.  

   "Ah! Jisung!" he happily said and gave her a hug. "I need to talk to you in my office," he whispered in her ear. 

    Jisung nodded, "I will see you there in five."

    "Great," he smiled and walked off. Jisung sighed, looked around, smiled at the nosey workers, then walked off. 

    Jisung entered the ladies room and looked into the mirror. "What does he want? Why is he back so soon? " Jisung thought. She could feel her body shaking. What will they argue about today? Is there going to be an argument? 

    Jisung fixed her hair, adjusted her uniform, and left to Youngjo's office. 

    Jisung knocked then entered. 

    "You wanted me?" she asked.

    Youngjo look at her and smiled. "Surprised I'm back so soon?" Jisung nodded. Youngjo walked to his fiancee and moved a stray hair out of her face. "Well, I noticed that the performance of the branch hasn't been doing too good. I pondered this constantly. What could it be?"

    "I do not know," Jisung said. 

    "It has to be something doesn't it?" Youngjo paused and turned around to face the windows. Looking down at the courtyard and smiling. "Jisung, honey, come here."

    Jisung walked over to the window and looked at the people down below. 

    "Look at how happy they look. Smiling and laughing like fools. All of them, they're all worthless idiots. None of them are where we are. We have everything. Well, almost. Up here in the office, we have money, looks, integrity, but what are we missing?"

    "What are you babbling on about? Just get to the point," Jisung said in an annoyed tone. 

    "That! That is what we have that we don't need. Our office is missing the happiness that the lower class has. Do you know why we are missing the happiness in our office?" Youngjo looked at Jisung. Jisung stayed quiet. "It's because of you. You are bringing down all of the staff with your snottiness and pathetic sense of self. Because of this, I have no choice but to fire you. Not only that, you bring me down with you. I don't think we should get married. I'm canceling the wedding. I'd like the ring back," Youngjo said and held out his hand. 

    Jisung was stunned. She could not believe what she was hearing. 

    "Snottiness? Pathetic sense of self? How could you say that to me? I'm your fiancee!" Jisung shouted. 

    "Not anymore. The ring, give me it."

    Anger from all their previous fights boiled up. Jisung exploded like a bomb. 

    "You know what! Take this stupid ring! I don't care anymore! You're the selfish bastard that is bringing everyone down. You don't deserve me or this branch. Without your looks, you'd be nowhere," Jisung shouted and threw the ring at Youngjo. 

    "Thank you," Youngjo calmly said. "You are no longer apart of the company. Let me show you the way out." Jisung stomped away, slamming the door behind her. 


    "I'm tired of this," Jisung whined as she finished the bag. Groaning, she went to her room and laid on her bed. She checked the clock. 1:00 am it read. Jisung grabbed her mp3 and turned on her "lonely night's" playlist. 

You're just a lost cause
She said
"I know how people like you were dumb"
And if I die young
I was born
With a target on my head
With a target on my head

With that Jisung slowly fell asleep. 

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