Broken Traits

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    Jinsung sat staring at the ant crawling across the red brick wall. With her mind cleared she has no worries. Her tea warmed her up every sip she took. Her crisp jacket sheltered her from the chilly air that blows throughout the city. Her hair blowing across her face. It is a quiet day. No car has gone down her relatively empty street. 

    The pounding sound from her door took Jisung out of her harmonious state. Jisung left her window and walked to the door. Before she could open the door, Jisung's mother walks in. 

    "Jisung honey! I have fantastic news!" she blurted as she walked into the apartment. Jisung closed the door and led her mother to the couch. 

    "What's up?" Jisung asked. 

    "That's not the kind of language you use with your mother." 

    "It's not like we're on bad terms. We always talk casually," Jisung said and took a sip of her tea.  

    "Well, I thought we should start acting more elegant. You only act elegantly outside the home with Youngjo," her mother said and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. "Anyways, why haven't you told me about you and Youngjo?" 

    "What do you mean?" Jisung asked as she sat at the counter. 

    "Youngjo called me, honey. Why did you call off the wedding?" 

    "I didn't call off the wedding," Jisung said and took another drink. 

    "Well, that's not what I was told. He called last night crying. His sadness broke me, sweety. Can't you two just try to work it out again?"

    "Mom, he broke up with me. He fired me and took the ring with him. He maxed out my cards. Mom, I wasn't the one that hurt him. He hurt himself. Why is he going to you crying anyways? I was the one that was hurt. Did he mention what he told me?" 

    Jisung's mother shook her head. Jisung scoffed. 

    "I understand if this is hard for you. Why don't you come back to the farm for a few weeks? You can leave the crowded mess here. We have a new helper. He's a handsome man. Quite tall too. I think you two will work great together."

    "I'll think about it. I need to find a job though," Jisung said. 

    "We'll pay you. Help you get back up on your feet."

    "I can't have you pay me. You're my mom."

    "Jisung, don't worry about it. So I'll see you down at the farm next week?" 

    "I guess," Jisung said. "How about we go for a walk?"


    The cool wind bit at Jisung's nose. Her mother and she paced their way down the street talking about nonsense. 

    "I got a new cat. His name is Sam," Jisung said. 

    "Why didn't I see him in the apartment?" Jisung's mother asked. 

    "He's still at the shelter getting shots. I'll ask them to hold onto him for a month or so. That way I can get everything ready for him once I get back," JIsung said and stuffed her hands into her pocket. 

    "Where are we walking to?" 

    "The park?" Jisung asked and looked at her mother. She shrugged. 

    The two made their way to the park and sat on one of the many benches. The leaves were drifting down onto the ground as the wind continued to fly throughout. The small animals were scarce around this time. In the spring Jisung loves to visit the park and see the squirrels rummage around for meals. Sometimes she will bring stale bread for the birds. 

    The park is one of the only places that Jisung does not have to worry about loud people. The only folks she sees are the old couple that lives a couple of doors down from her apartment. On holidays, Jisung will visit the two with freshly baked sweets. The older lady loves to bake but has not been able to bake with anyone since her husband is often too weak to move around a lot. Jisun often helps her bake cookies for her grandchildren and will sit with the older man and read stories with him. 

    Today, however, the park was empty. No chlidren running around. No older couples spending the rest of what time they have together. 

    To others, Jisung seems like the perfect wife, person, and employee. Sadly, she carries a trait no one likes to deal with. Jisung tends to be full of herself. While she loves to help others, she often uses this to help herself. While she may be blinded by her accomplishments, she is seen as a terrible person by those who are close to her. All except her mother. Even her father despises her. 

    When Jisung was little, her family went through financial failures. Her father used to be the leading provider of food for the city. That was until the fields set on fire during the dry months. No crops were left and little cattle were left for meat sales. Her father was unable to regrow the crops in time for sales. Later that year her father filed for bankruptcy. 

    During that time, Jisung taught herself to save whatever she could. She refused to share with anyone. She was an excellent student and later went on to college. But, with her having little money and going into college, she often borrowed from her family. Never to repay what she should have. 

    This lead to fights between her and her father. They have never been able to make amends. This selfishness ruined not only her family relationships but also her relationship with her ex-fiance. This feature often chases Jisung around no matter where she goes. She cannot escape. Not until she is ready.  

When you gotta run
Just hear my voice in you (my voice in you)
Shutting me out of you (shutting me out of you)
Doing so great (so great, so great)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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