Chapter 1 (Edited 2020)

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I stood with my arms crossed, back straight and serious expression on my face as I faced the Messenger of the Gods. Unfortunately the last part was proving difficult. What I really wanted to do was laugh and join in but I knew if that happened, he would think that I loved being his accomplice. The last thing I needed was trouble looking for me.

"Yes Hermes, I returned the Welding Tongs to Hephaestus. I told him that I had found them. Just like you asked. You are lucky he didn't recognize me or else my Mother would have found out. Then poof! goes my freedom."

The sight of Hermes doubled over laughing made it very hard to keep my composer. Especially when he began to float up in the air, his wings lifting him up because he couldn't contain his laughter. I can feel a small smile creeping in as I shake my head while I watch his antics. I still don't know what possessed me to agree to grant him that favor. I usually like to be under the radar because if my Mother found out I was sneaking out to other parts of the world, or worse the other Realms she would place me under house arrest.

A cold chilling feeling traveled down my spine as I remembered the last time that had happened.

"Man Seph. I wish I could have seen the look on his face when that happened! Oh. He was so cocky and confident that I had done it. Then out comes sweet Persephone to tell him that he actually left his most precious Tongs lying around! HA! Priceless!"

That was Hermes, with his shoulder length golden blonde hair and bright smile. He took his job very seriously but when he was 'off duty' as he put it, everyone was fair game when it came to his jokes and pranks. The few times he had helped me sneak in to a few parties in Olympus, in disguise of course, I had witnessed how everyone loved him. He was always the life of the party and enjoyed every minute of it. It made me a bit envious that first time. Not envious of the attention but of the freedom he had to be himself with no restrictions.

One thing everyone knew as an unspoken rule. If something mysteriously vanished, 98% of the time it was Hermes. He is always looking for his next victim.

"Hermes. You did steal his Tongs. Why exactly?" I ask as I throw up my arms in question.

He was wiping away the tears from his face as he slowly regained his control. With a dramatic back flip in the air, he came back to circle around me. His wings keeping him airborne as placed his hands behind his head. Leaning back as if he was lying down, only to float around me.

He is such show off.

"Because, my dearest Persephone, I over heard him saying how he was the better trickster. I mean, come on. Him! That's blasphemous bullshit! He was going on and on about how clever he is and that no one could get the drop on him. He was also bragging around saying how he was so smart for having pranked Hera and how he tricked his own wife Aphrodite. When Dionysus pointed out that I had tricked Apollo. He just blew it off saying that was child's play. Bastard! I was a child when I pulled that stunt off! Anyway I decide to take something that he guards very closely. So I took his precious Tongs, left a feather from my wings and a clue as to where I hid them. That's how he knew it was me, but only because I wanted him to know. He then proceeded to go on a wild goose chase until you showed up. Classic."

He speeds to land in front of me with a fancy flourish. The wind hitting me in the face as he lands. The strong gust lifts my long red hair and whips it around, causing me to close my eyes and hold my gown in place. Once the wind subsides, I quickly adjust my gown and fix my hair. I place my hands on my hips as I tilt my head up to see his face.

Did he really have to be so dramatic?

A smug smile appears as he shakes his hair back into place. I believe he is expecting some sort of praise or admiration. He looks very proud of himself with his arms crossed in front of his chest, and his wings spread out looking down to me. I give him an exaggerated smile and roll my eyes.

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