1 A year on

16 1 0

I didn't question the flowers at first.
They simply... showed up. On the anniversary of Travis' death.
I walked across the dew-ridden grass, watching the pre-dawn mist swirl in and out between the grave stones with my own bouquet in hand when I noticed it.
Resting gently against the grave stone.  A concoction of lavender and white.
I couldn't tell the flowers if I wanted to, but the collection radiated a sort of sorrow...
It seemed lost and forlorn resting on the grave. Like it didn't quite belong there.
I looked up, glancing around the misty graveyard.
I was alone in here.
It was so early there was hardly any traffic to be heard either.
My eyes trailed the ground for any footptints in the dew, but there were none.
Whoever left the flowers must have done so hours ago. Maybe even last night.
Sighing deeply I knelt down beside the grave to place my own flowers down.
I'd stuck to mostly blue.
The florist had told me the names of the blooms, but I hadn't paid attention.
Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I glanced briefly at the inscription on the stone.

Travis Philips - honored member of the UF police force, precinct 6
Respected officer and mentor
You will be missed

A shaky breath escaped my lips, as I lay the flowers down beside the purple ones.
"So long, Travis. A year on, and I... I still can't..."
I couldn't finish the sentence

A flower on your victim's GraveWhere stories live. Discover now