The strong woman

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WHAT Clarissas father screamed I will not let you go to war and sit down here like a coward but father you're not well I'm not a coward but father you are hand of the king you
Must live no he screamed BUT FATHER YOU ARE DYING she screamed then fell on the floor and started to cry her father said how do you know the doctor told me she said he said it's true and I don't wanna spend my last moments at home like a coward father you will live there must be a cure Clarissas father said not for my disease she left the room 1 hour later she started to get ready to leave for war she wrote her father a letter that said father I know you love me and mean the best but I can't let you die I will go to the battlefield in you're place and left her father read the letter and cried oh Clarissa my brave daughter why risk you're life to save mine in the battle she saw many of her enemies and killed many she turned around and one of the enemies were trying to kill the king she shot her arrow in at landed in the enemies heart after the war was over the king said you saved my life in return I will grant you anything you wish Clarissa asked him for a cure for her fathers disease he said it's very rare to find but I am in your debt you will by have by nightfall meanwhile Clarissas fathers condition got worse he would die any moment now and finally it was time for Clarissa to get the cure as soon as she did she went home as soon as possible she ari ed but it was too late her father passed away it was time for the funeral when she saw she screamed FATHER WAKE Up WAKE UP I HAVE The Cure everything will be alright now she cried it will be all right please please wake up I can't live without you please don't leave please but there was nothing anyone could do the king and prince Edward were there when prince Edward heard her screaming he knew that feeling all too well he went in and said Clarissa it's Time they took her fathers birthday body and buried it under the ground and a part of Clarissas heart with it the king later on named Clarissa hand of the king but Clarissa wasn't happy she went back to empty to house she used to call home she felt so lonely prince Edward wanted to stay with her but that would ruin her name so he asked her friend Mary to stay with her she agreed  and when it was night time Mary got thirsty and tried to get a cup of water she bit was shocked to see Clarissa trying to kill herself she yelled CLARISSA STOP to be continued

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