Man of Youth

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Third Person POV

Suna was crying tears on her eyes as she effortlessly carried the unconcious Kakashi on her back. Her eyes being clouded she didn't notice a man coming up to her she bumped into him she was about to fall but when she remembered the weight on her back she kept her balance and stayed up fixing Kakashi who almost fell on her back

The man however looked at the girl with curiousity but as he realized who that silver hair belonged to he immediately knew that man she was carrying was Kakashi.

Suna looked at the man crying, her cheeks and eyes puffed and red

"Please help me!" She begged the man in a great suit tears continuosly falling down her cheeks. The man however looked at her with his heart throbbing and words repeating all over his head

"Oh youth! So cute!" With tears on his eyes

"Old man! Help me! I-I didn't mean to kill him!" When she said that the man came back to his wits. Then he looked at her

"Give him to me little girl..I'll carry him." He said and looked at the crying girl. She killed kakashi? My eternal rival? He thought but when Kakashi was on his back he felt his breath on his neck which shoved the thoughts away

"What exactly happened kid?" She asked Suna who was still crying

She sniffed once which made his heart flutter and scream youth in his head.


Maito Gai

I carried Kakashi back to his house and the girl had already stopped crying, I still don't mnow her name but I have heard that Kakashi is taking care of a child..she must be that child.

Oh! Kakashi! I never thought a day will come where you are to be like a father to someone!

"Why did you carry him back here? He's gonna die!" She screamed at him whilst tears falling on her eyes

"Child calm down..he didn't die..he just lost consciousness.." I explained which made her stop then look at Kakashi then back to me then kakashi and then back then she fell on her knees

"Thank god! I thought I killed him.." she said

"Anyway...who are you and how did you know where he lived old man?" She asked

Third Person POV

"I am Maito Gai! The handsome shinobi of Konoha and Kakashi's rival." He jntroduced himself giving her a thumbs up and a big smile with a wink making her cringe.

"Where's the handsome in you old man?" She asked looking at him with doubt staking his heart.

"H-how....a-anyway Kakashi is fine and I am not an old man! I am young! Same age as him!" He said pointing at Kakashi. Suna looked at Kakashi who was asleep then looked back at Gai who stood tall and proud.

"Y-yeah...riiight.." she agreed fakely

"Anyway..I'm Suna Dragneel..and I live with him.." she said pointing Kakashi Gai didn't respond and looked at her Suna became anxious at that so she faked a cough

"Oh..sorry.." Gai said after he was done spacing out.

There was a weird silence between them in the room and no one spoke at all. Suna was looking at Kakashi impatiently wondering when he would wake up. Her eyes then landed on Gai who was asleep on the couch his mouth open.

"hey.." she said waking up Gai

Gai opened his eyes an stood up in a flash screaming "Youth!" Then composed himself when he saw Suna looking at her weirdly.

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