Chapter Ten

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"What did you do?!" Her sweet voice rang in his ears. The world fell slowly back into place. He's on the ground now, his head in her lap. "Llll....Lexic?" He murmured softly.

"Tobi," She breathed a sigh of relief and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"I returned his memories. Or rather- their memories." Una answered.

Tobi turned his head slightly to look at the Queen of the Fae. With a groan, he pushed himself into a sitting position. "I don't understand," He whispered, putting a hand to his aching head. "How- what-" He struggled to word the question, shutting his eyes and whimpering softly before falling back into her lap.

Una's voice was kind, like explaining a puzzle to a child. "The child of the bear broke the cycle. He gave his life to fix his family's mistakes. And when the darkness destroyed the child of the fox, the two souls came together so that they could save the wolf." 

He could feel Fang shaking. "What are you going on about? Combined souls? I don't understand." He could hear the frustration and anger in her voice.

Tobi opened his eyes. "Tyson- I was going to kill myself when I could have killed you," He whispered. "Matt and I have trained our entire lives to kill you. When I was gone, and you were gone, Matt, he..." Tobi shook his head, "I- Bobby- I was with Clay and Sammy, we were scared. Tyson was gone and you were gone and we wanted to find you but we didn't know how... then out of nowhere Matthew comes in, he- he shot Clay and Sammy tried to run, Matt shot him twice before he turned and shot me," His voice broke. He cleared his throat, sitting up and turning to Fang with sad eyes. 

Her eyes widened at his words. "You're lying," she spat out, shaking visibly. "No, they can't be- they aren't- No!" She shot to her feet, shaking and pacing erratically. 

"He speaks the truth," Una comforted, stepping forward and placing her hands on Fang's shoulders to hold her still. "Now, he must help you to live before his souls- his soul- can pass on to the next world." She brushed a hand down Fang's face. "Your father- when your mother fell ill during her pregnancy with your sister, he turned to one of the eldest creatures- the vampyre, in search of a way to save her. He was unsuccessful in his attempts, but was turned himself. Your mother still died in childbirth, but the vampiric blood in her veins mixed with your sister. Unlike you, who was turned as a young infant, the lupine and vampiric blood mixed evenly within her. You were more wolf than vampire, so it has taken longer for the opposing bloodlines to start to tear you apart." Una pressed a kiss to Fang's forehead.

Fang had stilled, and no one else in the room dared to interrupt. Una continued, her voice sweet and heavy. "You and your younger sister are dying. You will begin to lose your memories, and then your emotions begin to intensify. In you, it was your anger and your need for independence. In your sister, it was her loyalty and devotion. Only, it was devotion to the one who found her- the hunter that saved her when she was lost. In order for you both to be restored, there is only one thing you must do."

Una's sweet smile turned sad, and her hands fell down to hold Fang's hands in her own. "You must return home. Destroy the darkness. There will be blood, and you cannot trust your own family."

Fang shook her head, her voice breaking. "I don't... I don't understand." She whispered.

Una brushed her hair back. "Go home, child. If you and your companions prevail, I will use my power to turn you all human, again. It is the only way that you will survive." She smiled at them all in turn. 

"Now, you must go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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