Chapter Four

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The massive private jet soared through the sky. It had cost Caleb a fair chunk of change, but that didn't matter. This was literally life or death.

Fang sat in his lap despite the fact that there was more than enough room for her in the luxurious seats. Tobi had grumbled about it, but he had fallen asleep about ten minutes into the nine-hour flight. Fang was happy for it.

Caleb held one arm around her waist and had the other draped across the back of the seat next to him. She had one hand laying idly on his chest, while the other tangled in his blond hair. They had been kissing languidly for about twenty minutes now, content to just be together again.

Fang couldn't fathom why she hadn't done this before. Or why she could have ever left him. It was ridiculous. She sighed a little.

He pulled away to look at her, chuckling as her face shifted into a pout. "What's wrong love?" He murmured, bringing a hand over to stroke her cheek.

Fang shook her head. "We should've done this a long time ago," She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.

Caleb chuckled in response. "I'm just glad we're doing it now," He placed a tender kiss to her forehead before moving her off his lap. She started to protest but stopped when he handed her a glass of water. "Here, you need to drink." She took the glass from him and drained it quickly.

The captain's voice came over the speaker then, announcing they were about to begin their descent.

Caleb moved to wake up Tobi as Fang buckled in her seat. She turned to look out the window, watching as clouds and blue sky faded and the green earth became more prominent. She didn't know what was waiting for them here in England, but she did know that whatever it was, it would be life-changing.

They made their way through the congested Heathrow airport. Fang was in front, the boys following behind her as she hurried through the crowd. She didn't have time for these people. She had never been one for large crowds, and today was no different.

Pushing aside a family, she stepped through the large glass doors. Out front of the airport stood covered ports with a dozen or so yellow taxis. Fang hiked the bag up on her shoulder and stepped towards the closest one.

Exhaust drifted from the tailpipe. Fang sauntered over to the car and pulled the door open. "This taken?" She yelled to the driver.

She would have spoken more, but the scrawny man nearly jumped through the window as he spun around. "Oi! I guess it must be now huh?"

Fang could barely understand his thick British accent.

She looked back to Caleb and Tobi, who both shrugged, leaving the decision to her. Stepping up she slid over the well-worn leather seat before settling against the door. Caleb pushed past Tobi and sat in the middle.

"Where we off to today?" The driver asked, head bobbing awkwardly with the words. He was a little odd, with big ears, a narrow face, and big, bright brown eyes. He seemed to be fairly cheerful.

Fang looked to Caleb with a raised brow. "You haven't told me where we're going."

He turned to look at her after a long moment of studying the driver. "To Corvin, near Northumberland, it's going to be about 6 hours."

Nodding in agreement, the man turned back to the front, tapped a box on the dash and buckled up. He adjusted his rearview mirror, meeting Fang's blue eyes in the reflection. "Name's Gavin, nice to meet ya." Giving a toothy grin he put the shifter into drive and the taxi lurched forward roughly.

Grabbing the back of the seat, Fang shot a worried expression towards Caleb. He only smiled and leaned back, watching the driver whistle horridly off tune to himself, with his arm around her shoulders.

Tobi meets her gaze, sharing the concerned look. He shot an annoyed glance at Caleb's arm before turning to look out the window.

Fang followed suit, watching from the window as buildings turned to country. "Oi, you sure you want to go to Corvin?" Gavin spoke up, and Fang turned back to look at him.

"Why not?" She demanded. 

He shook his head. "Town's dead. Basically ruins. No clue why it ain't been torn down yet." He clicked his tongue. "Might be the forest round there is haunted." 

Fang raised a brow and looked at Caleb. "You're taking us to a haunted forest? Really?" Skepticism dripped from her voice.

Caleb smiled and opened his mouth to respond, but Tobi cut him off, leaning forward to get a better view of Fang. "You're right, he's useless. Why don't you sit with me instead, I'm sure I can find somewhere much more- gah!" He let out a startled yelp as Caleb playfully pushed him back into his seat.

"Shut it, kid." Caleb scolded lightly. "I know what we need is in there. I just... don't know how we're getting in there." He admitted, blushing a little. 

"I could help with that," Gavin spoke up.

"How?" Fang asked immediately after, propping her head up in her hand. These boys were ridiculous. 

"I grew up there, 'fore it was all abandoned and what not. I could get you there. For a price," He added with a twinkle in his eyes. 

Fang didn't even think about it. "Alright, you got a deal."

Caleb and Tobi exchanged a glance. "Fang," Caleb started, "Are you sure we can-"

She held her hand up to cut him off. "Shush. It's fine. Pay the man." She gestured with her hand. 

Caleb sighed and reached into his pocket. She smirked a little. He was such a worrier. What could possibly go wrong?

Under The Starlight (Book Two of Three: The Light Series) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now