Chapter 9

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2 weeks later

While living in the house with everyone I've became accustomed to what goes around in here.
All I do everyday and I stay in my room. I go out sometimes to explore and that's it. Sometimes Luca comes to talk to me when I'm bored then he leaves saying he has something important to do. Xavier also comes everyday to check on me. Sometimes He just sit across from me mumbling words to himself without taking his eyes off me. At first I thought it was weird now I got used to it.
I also came up with a plan to leave this place.
I go under the floor board and I remove it. It was kinda squeaky when I came so I took it off. I grab the map of the house I made and start drawing my last few plans on it then I hurry up and put the floor board back and sit on the bed. I'm glad I did because Xavier came in.
"Hey" He said while his head was down.
"What" I said ready for him to leave already.
His face changed from bored to anger in a second.
"Put this on now and get ready." He said with anger and left.
"Bipolar." I said to myself.
I looked at the dress it was really pretty but it's not my type of dress. It was so revealing.

Well I have to listen to him

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Well I have to listen to him. I go to the bathroom and put my hair into some curls.

I'm finally done and I love it

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I'm finally done and I love it. Its been a while since have been able to do my hair and try to act pretty. I know I'm not beautiful but I try. I put on my nude shoes.

I'm finally done

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I'm finally done. I'm glad because luca just came in.
"Wow you" He said standing there with his mouth open.
"Come here peasant. " He obeyed my orders and stood in front of me still in shock.
"Sit" And he said down on the floor.
Guess what I did


"HAHAHAHA" I started to laugh so hard because he fell back after the fall.
"I am so going to get you" He said and i started running down stairs. I was running when I bumped into a wall. I looked up but it was Xavier.
"Shit" I whispered.
"Why are you running. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!"
"Lord why are you yelling. Luca and I were just messing around."I said annoyed
"Why don't you talk to me like you do with him." He said with scary eyes.
"Because he didn't take me. "I said to him and then waked away to the living room waiting for me and Xavier to get the our unknown destination.
He comes back without saying a word to me and open my door then go on his side and get in. He starts up the engine and zoom down the street.
"Slow down"
No answer
"Did you fuck him."
"You know well I'm talking about fucking Luca. "
"No we are just friends. Nothing like that.
"LIES" He starts swerving on the road.
"Maybe I should just kill us both so we can be together forever."
"NOO STOP IT XAVIER PLEASE!" I started crying so hard. But I kinda stopped when I noticed we were a complete stop. I looked at him and he was already looking at me with no emotion.
He turned back on the road and he went back to his house. I soon as I got there I ran inside, closed my door and got undressed. I then get in bed thinking about what just happened.
"I almost died."
"Yes you did." I gasped at looks at Xavier who was in his boxers.
"Why did you do that?"
"I had to so you can see that I don't like sharing."
"Get out."
"No." He got in bed with me and pulled my waist to him.
"Let me go. " I said struggling trying to get out of his grip.
"You better stop or you will get punished. "
Well that stopped me from moving.
"If you ever try to leave me or touch any other man. I will kill him and you will have a punishment so bad you will regret everything you've done." He said snuggling up on me. I stayed quite so I won't get in any trouble.

The next morning

I wake and stretch but something stopped me. I looked over to see Xavier. I try to wiggle out but it won't work but it finally did but as soon as I got up he pulled me down and started kissing my neck.
"Stop" I tried to push him away but it wouldn't work.
"Mmm you taste so sweet. I wonder what it taste like down there." He whispered into my neck.
He finally found my spot and made a mistake a let out a low moan. He smirked and
he pulled back but he still had me in his grip.
"Where are you going?"
" To the bathroom."
"Don't take too long." I nodded my head and left him there.
I come out the bathroom and I see Henry.
"I have something to tell you."
"I don't care."
"You need to know this."
"What? "
To be continued

I'm playing

"Your mother never died that day."
"What?"I said with shock but it quickly turns into anger.
"Your mom is still alive."
"I'm serious just think about it." And he left.
How could this even be possible. No he's wrong I saw her when she died.
"NO NO NO! YOUR FUCKING LYING!" I then started to grab things and throwing them everywhere but then suddenly I blacked out.
Hello everyone, its been awhile. I can't believe how many reads I got. I know it's not a lot but I really respect and love all the people who actually read my book. I can't believe I'm doing this at 14. Maybe I'll get better in future books I do. Well bye bye now.

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