Tia let out a huff and finally stood up, going to where the commotion was. "It's my house Dimples." Tia nodded towards her flat, "Come." By the time the two girls returned, Talia had taken Tia's place on the couch.

All of the girls were staring at the mess that had just walked in. Dennis's jacket was ripped and he was holding a katana (the traditional Japanese sword) on his back, in his hands was a red helmet and a small gun. Jerome had his glasses on askew, and the left knee on his jeans was slashed. Moses had three scratches on his face, and Pest... he had a cushion strapped to his leg - the cushion was covered by blood.

Talia's eyes widen to dramatic proportions. She found herself having to physically resist the urge to check on him - an insanely difficult feat, as she was the mothering type.

Pest shed his jacket quickly, before walking towards the window as everyone sat down. He peered out, "Only one helicopter. Ain't' even military, it's a copper chopper.!" He turned around, "And it's only around these ends, this ain't' London wide. This is localised."

The girls shared a look, wondering what the hell Pest was chatting about. Gloria, who was doing Dennis' hair, spoke, "Yeah, localised in your head." Plus, all the girls were pissed at Pest for making Talia feel like crap - so the sarcasm was justified.

Veronica scoffed, barely looking up from her nails, "More like localised in your dreams."

Dimples moved in on the conversation, walking passed them all to go and sit down, "Feds; yes. Big, gorilla, alien, monsters killing everyone, uh-uh."

"How do you know?" Jerome asked, rolling his eyes at the teenaged girl. Dimples was always running her mouth.

She scoffed, "Please. What kind of aliens would invade some shitty counsel estate in south London?"

Dennis was playing with his gun. He spoke ominously, "One that's looking for a fight."

Pest, who had been not-so-secretly staring at his girlfriend the entire time the others had been speaking, looked towards Dennis, agreeing, "They're coming for us, you know," He looked back to Talia, desperate to make her understand, but she refused to meet his pleading eyes, "Ready or not."

The girls laughed, before singing, "Ready or not! Here I come, you can't hide!" Only Tía and Talia didn't join in the singing.

The woman that followed the boys inside earlier decided to speak, "Excuse me, but if you don't believe us, go down to my flat. There's a dead one in my living room. I live on the first floor, go look if you don't believe us." The woman stood up. "You can walk right in, there's no door anymore."

The females were confused at who she was. "Oi Moses! When d'you start goin' out wif' your maths teacher?" That sent Dimples, Gloria, and Veronica into a laughing fit.

Tia, who was jealous even though she'd never admit it, looked to Moses and demanded an answer, "How do you know that woman?"

The woman announced tersely, "We met earlier, when they mugged me."

"No way? For real?"

"Now 'dat part I believe." Dimple commented.

"That true?" Tia questioned Moses. He didn't answer, and avoided her searching eyes.

Seeing the emotion on his girlfriend's face, Pest spoke up, "Yeah, but after dat' she fixed up my leg and we saved her from da' monsters," He tried at least, to defend them, "We're mates now, an' it's all sweet. We're heroes now, innit?"

The woman rolled her eyes, "Heroes? Five of you and a knife against one woman?" She sneered, "Fuck off!"

Pest laughed, "Rah, cold!"

"Nah, nah, nah! Don't build it up love. It weren't all 'dat," Dennis interrupted, "We never even touched you."

Jerome nodded, completely in agreement, "Yeah, the blade was to get it over wif' quick. We were as scared as you."

Tia glared at Moses, "Blade?" She scoffed, disappointed, "You're such a waste Moses! Why's it always trouble wif' you? Why's it always someone getting robbed, or beaten up, or someone getting arrested?" She dropped down next to Gloria, in a huff.

Sensing a tension building, the woman decided to break it, "We can't deal with this on our own; we have to call the police." Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. "I promise I'll tell them what really happened."

Talia, finally speaking up, shocked the older woman with her New York accent, "You think the police are gonna help them?" She scoffed, too worried about her friends and boyfriend to even consider how rude she might sound - generally, Talia was kind to all of her elders. "They might not arrest you, but they'll sure as fucking hell arrest them," She motioned to the boys.

Dennis concurred, "For murder of two police officers, vehicle theft, resisting arrest and everything else that happens in the ends tonight, man."

Pest softly added, "They arrest us for nothing already."

Moses leaned forward in his seat, his arms resting on his knees. "You know what I reckon?" He did not give time for anyone to answer, "I reckon the police sent them here. Bred them in a lab to wipe us all out. First they sent drugs to the ends, then they sent guns, and now they sent monsters to get us." He nodded, agreeing with himself, "We ain't' killing each other fast enough, so they sent them to speed up the process."

Pest nodded, taking a drag of the blunt he'd lit up, "Believe." Talia rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

The girls once again found themselves laughing at the ridiculousness of the boys' words. Well, Tia and Talia didn't at least. Tia was too busy being mad at the stoner in front of her. "Pest I told you not to do that!" Tia complained, before standing up to walk to the curtained window, "Do it out the window, yeah?"

"Pain relief man, ask da' nurse." Pest whined, only to receive a swift kick to his (good) leg, curtesy of his beloved girlfriend. It was her signal for Pest to watch his manners.

"Excuse me," Tia had fear, clear to hear in her voice, "But, what is that?" Everyone in the room looked to the windows.

They stood up straight away, looking like they'd been electrocuted. Everyone was breathing loudly, staring out of the glass. Looking at the large, black monsters that lay in wait outside. They had no eyes, only terrifying neon teeth. Funnily enough, they actually did look like bloody big, 'gorilla, wolf mother-fuckers'.

No one moved. Hell, they were barely breathing. At least, not until they were re-animated by Dimples loud exclamation, "Oh my days!"

All of the girls screamed shrilly, horrified by the very thing they'd not ten minutes ago denounced existed. Making a hasty escape, the females ran to the kitchen and the bedroom, while the boys' grabbed their respective weapons.

Dennis yanked on the helmet he'd been carrying around with him. He was gearing up for a battle.

Moses shouted to Dennis, "You can't take two fam'!"

"Watch me," Dennis said, his voice muffled a little by his helmet. He lifted his arm... and shot the gun. Nothing happened. "Shit! It is a toy!"

And then all hell broke loose.

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