"Oh My Days!"

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A/N: this story begins part-way through this movie, so it might be helpful to watch that first.

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Chapter 1: "Oh My Days!"

Pest paused by his front door. After running down about thirteen flights of bloody stairs, two at a time, he had to try and make his breathing look like he hadn't just done a half-marathon. Eventually, he pushed his key in the front door and twisted it, before walking in. He closed the door behind him, "Hey, Nan." Pest began to stagger his gait, so when he walked it looked as though he had a limp.

"You alright, darling?" His nanna asked her grandson, beginning to worry, "What's wrong wif' your leg?"

Pest pecked his Nan's cheek as he limped passed her, "Nuffin' Nan, just pulled a muscle playing football wif' da' boys." He quickly walked through the small flat, heading towards his bedroom and leaving his nan to watch the news.

As soon as he opened his bedroom door, he picked up his schoolbag off the floor and started to empty it. It wasn't until he was filling it back up with fireworks (or, bangers as Pest referred to them) that he realised that his girlfriend, Talia, was sat on his bed watching the whole thing.

She was swift to the point, "What'cha doin'?"

"Talia? What're you doin' here, love?" Pest asked her. He halted his movements, registering what exactly was going on.

Talia was dressed up, way more than usual for her. Where the teen would be usually wearing pretty much the same as Pest (a pair of jeans, some trainers, a hoodie, a simple t-shirt, and a thick jacket for warmth), tonight she wasn't. Talia was instead clad in a black dress that went to the tops of her knees. Said dress had lace sleeves, and lace lining. The hat that she usually wore was sat next to her coat, both to her immediate left. The only normal thing she had on was the pair of black converse on her feet.

"Why're you so dressed up?"

Talia had a sad look on her face, at hearing such a question, "You don't bloody remember?" The girl's accent, unlike most of the people that lived in the block, was not a London one, let alone a British one. Her accent was American, as Talia (originally Natalia) had emigrated from Manhattan to London at age 11. There were quite a few who found it humorous that she said British slang in her American accent. "You serious?"

Pest stood up with a confused look on his face, his attention solely on Talia in that moment. "'Member what?"

She matched his stance, falling short a few inches in comparison to his height, "We're meant to go out to celebrate our 3 year anniversary. You know, the one we had to rearrange from last week!" She snatched his tasselled, woollen hat off of his head, making him let out a noise in protest. "We were meant to go out ages ago!"

Pest plucked his hat back from her hand, "Look, babes, I'm sorry. I'm going out wif' da' boys!" Talia shook her head, not believing him in that second. A lot of her effort went into trying not to break down crying. This was the second time that the two had to reschedule this dinner.

It seemed that Pest had elected to ignore her glassy eyes, instead searching around his room for his trusty aluminium baseball bat.

"You promised," It was whispered, but heard.

Their relationship had been somewhat struggling for a while now. It was coming up to six months since the couple had begun to see the cracks in the foundations emerge. Between school (when Pest actually went), his gang and everything else in their lives, they've barely had time to have sex - something which the couple were almost known for. Moses, Dennis, Jerome and Biggz (Pest's long-time mates) always joked that eventually, the two of them would just never leave the bedroom. Tia, Dimples, Gloria and Veronica (Talia's girl-group) giggled that they'd end up on an episode of Teen Moms', if they weren't careful.

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