"It happened after the Yule Ball." I confessed, just as I looked at her I saw a yellow dress robe pass our aisle. Cedric was holding a heavy book and was reading it deeply, zoning the rest of the world out around him. My heart jumped at the sight of him. I haven't spoken to him since the ball... since he let me chase after Harry. He hasn't noticed Hermione and I, and within seconds he was out of sight. The feeling in my chest makes me feel as if I had seen a ghost. I blinked rapidly falling out of my daydream as Hermione continuously snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"What happened? What happened with Cedric too?" She asked wondrously.

"A lot. Do you want the long or short version?"

"Long. Obviously." She demanded, I patted the chair next to us and we both sat next to one another. I had to keep my voice low, now knowing that Cedrics in here.

"Harry and I had been spending a lot of time together before the Goblet of Fire, and I think that I might have even been developing a crush," I admitted embarrassed, she watched me carefully as I went on, "after his name was pulled he completely distanced himself from me. He wouldn't speak or go near me, like at all. That's why I avoided sitting with you anytime he was with you, honestly." I apologized to her, she waved it off as not a big deal and made me go on.

"Cedric asked me during lunch to go with him, he said he had been watching me for awhile now and he really wanted to go with me. I said yes. Then I attend the ball with him and it's going great, he was the most perfect date..." I trail off remembering the gorgeous rose he gave me, the spin he had me do.

"Then Cho Chang comes up to me." I gave Hermione the look, her mouth opened wide, trying to contain a laugh, "and she tells me that her dates going not so great... because he can't keep his eyes off of me. I didn't want to believe it because of the way he had been acting. Cedric came over moments later and asked me to dance with him again... and he leans in to kiss me..." I say reminiscing the whole night over again, she gasps and pushes me in the shoulder.

"And you kissed him in front of Harry?!" She quietly yelled, I shook my head and gulped.

"No. I didn't kiss him. Cedric said he wasn't going to do it because it was wrong... and he gave me full permission to chase after Harry, and I did." I covered my embarrassed smile, "Harry ended up being in the Astronomy Tower and he had thought I kissed Cedric, so he was mad, and I was mad with the silent treatments he's been giving me."

"Oh my gosh, what a scandal this is right now." She giggled silently and placed her hands under her head waiting for me to continue.

"I went up there to tell him I didn't, and to confront him a little..." I laughed awkwardly, "We had a talk, and one thing led to the next. We kissed." Hermione smacked my shoulder.

"Oh my god! No way! How was it? Is Harry a good kisser? I can't picture kissing him." She cringed at her thought and returned back to me with a smile, I rolled my eyes back into my head and groaned.

"Oh, it was so good, Hermione. It felt as if someone had poured gasoline on me and lit a match."

"Those are called hormones." She sneered while giving me a flirty smirk. I held a hand up for her to stop. She giggled and smacked it away rising from her seat.

"So you left Cedric, your date, for another guy? That is really something for the books." She laughed in disbelief.

"I know. Not one of my proudest moments. I actually feel terrible." I wonder if Cedric will ever forgive me, is he mad? I would be if I were him. I pulled quite a stunt on such a beautiful person. He deserves better. When it comes to something like that, do you want to be someone's first or second choice? As we put our books away we walked around the corner to head to class, and we passed Cedric's aisle. He was leaning against the window at the end, still reading the same book. I found myself hiding slightly behind the side of the shelf at the beginning of the walkway, watching him. His eyebrows were pushed together, his reading face, and he still looked beautiful as ever. Cedric didn't have to be wearing a suit and tie to impress anyone, he was beautiful in his own way, even his personality, the one that took me by surprise.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Hermione whispered from my side. I stayed silent for a few seconds before responding.

"I don't know. I think I would only hurt him." I said feeling defeated, she nudged me out from the shadows and into the light from the window. Cedric looked up at me from his book. Hermione then exited the library, leaving me exposed.

"Hi." He said closing his book.

"Hey." I gave him an uneasy smile. What do I say?

"I messed up your night? Didn't I?" I asked sadly, he chuckled and shook his head.

"Not at all. I had a wonderful time, Lucy." He smiled back at me with his hands still on the book, "don't think otherwise."

"I don't know what took over me. I had to go. It was wei -"

"It was your heart." He smiled gently, I wasn't understanding what he meant by that. "The heart always knows where to go. The heart always finds its way home. That's what that feeling was." His words echoed through my body. I was in complete admiration of Cedric. His parents worked really hard on this one, and they did so well. I placed my hand over his.

"Cedric... there is only one of you. With the time I've spent with you, I know that you're going to find someone better than me... someone who isn't going to leave you at a ball for someone else... I'm so sorry." I closed my eyes frowning. His other hand covered the top of mine and he squeezed.

"Do not be sorry." He leaned into me still smiling, "I'm just going to have to remind Potter to hold onto you very, very tight. Because if he ever let's go, I'll be there to pick you off of your feet." He said staring deeply into my eyes, I felt a small tear fall from my right eye at his words. I wiped it away quickly and laughed.

"If that day is to come... I won't be against that." Another tear fell and I wiped it away quickly rising from next to him, he leaned back against the window and opened his book again.

"Good. Because I'll be there." He said lightly, I turned away from him smiling happily. Whatever lady comes after me, better hold him tight.

"Summoning spell." I said before turning around the corner of the aisle, he nodded slowly and smiled. "Chapter 6. Maybe look into it..." I said with a warm heart, he looked me up and down.

"Okay... I trust you." He said returning his gaze to his book. I left the library with an even bigger heart for Cedric. He is truly... one of a kind.

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