There Is No Baby

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This is the first new one-shot of the series and it takes place a little after "This Is About Us" but before "Coming Home".

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.


There's No Baby

Maya walked into her parent's house to see both of them in the living room silently waiting for her. She instantly felt the tension in the air as both of her parent's eyes were on her the moment she arrived watching her every move.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, nervously, setting her book bag and purse down.

"Come sit, we need to talk," Katy ordered, her eyes on her daughter, gesturing towards the empty love seat.

Maya looked back and forth between her parents before listening to her mother and taking a seat. She waited for one of them to break the silence before making any move or saying anything that could incriminate her. She was carrying a huge secret and knew when it came out her parents weren't going to be happy.

"Do you have something you need to tell us?" Shawn asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the entertainment stand.

Maya swallowed, she once again glanced back and forth between her mom and dad. She wondered if they knew her secret about her and Josh. She pressed her lips together, "I'm not sure," she answered, shrugging. "Do you have something you want to ask me?"


"Where's your husband?" Katy asked, sharply cutting her husband off as she got straight to the point from her spot on the chair and held up her daughter's marriage license.

Maya's eyes went wide as her heart sunk. "You went through my stuff?"

"I went to put your laundry away and noticed more than half of your clothes were gone and then I saw this on your desk."

"So you read it?"

"So it's true? You and Josh are married?" Shawn asked, looking at his daughter.

Maya bit her lip, taking in a deep breath. "I can explain."

"Oh sweetie, we know you got some explaining to do like what the hell were you thinking? You're married?! And you didn't tell us," Katy snapped.

Maya ran her hand over her face. "I-we were going to tell you," she stressed, running her hand through her hair. She couldn't believe her parents found out this way. "Josh and I were just waiting until after Graduation. This is the last way I wanted you to find out."

"After Graduation?!"

"Mom, calm down, Graduation isn't that far away. It's only two weeks away. We were going to tell you guys right away but then we realized Josh's parents would be in town for Graduation and we thought that would be the perfect time to tell everyone at once. It's not that big of a deal-"

Katy couldn't believe her daughter. "Not that big of a deal! You're married-"

"Are you pregnant?" Shawn cut his wife off, trying to keep things calm as he tried to remain calm himself.

Maya shook her head, "No, I'm not pregnant."

"Are you sure?" Katy asked, sharply.

Maya rolled her eyes.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes! Right now is not the time to have an attitude. Are you pregnant?"

"No Mom, I'm not pregnant! And I'm sure, " Maya answered, frustrated. "Josh and I have been careful so it would be just as a big of a shock to me as it is to you if I were but I can assure you that I'm not."

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