Twenty Six - "Guess Stanley Could Not Cut It ?"

Start from the beginning

"I'll go get your back up inhaler from the car."

"It's empty." He whispered, his hands found hers beneath the table.

"Well I'm sure there's a late night pharmacy open somewhere-"

"Lyds I promise you I'm fine." The brunette leaned in and lay a soft kiss upon her lips, "See?"

"You know we're here to eat Chinese food right? Not each other."

"Once again, beep beep Richie."

"Or alternatively, fuck off, yet again!"

"Wow you two are a match made in heaven." Bev smiled fondly at the pair, they'd come so far together, it was admirable really.

"More like hell."

"Come on guys let's stop fighting, that's not what tonight is about." Mike shook his head, ushering everyone into there seats, "Tonight is about us, reuniting."

To kill a murderous clown! L thought to herself but she opted to keep her mouth shut.

"To us." She smiled instead, raising her glass.

"To us." Everyone repeated

"Now, who's ready to eat?"


"I was not that bad! I really wasn't!"

"Babe, be honest!" Eddie yelled out

"Lyds we tried to teach you to ride that bike six times! You were terrible."

"I wasn't!"

"Six times, Lyds! Six!" Richie threw his head back in laughter, "And how many times did you eat shit?"

"Six." The woman covered her face in embarrassment and bit her lip to try to refrain from laughing at her own misfortune.

"Exactly! You were fucking horrible at it, there was the time you rode it in front of a car and Eddie had to patch you up - that other time when you rode it into a wall, and Eddie had to patch you up, and my personal favourite, when you rode it down the hill into the barrens and catapulted yourself into the water."

"I was a kid!"

"You were nineteen and we were visiting Derry for the weekend jackass! We had to take you to the ER because you broke your elbow!"

"Did that really happen Lyds?"

"Sadly yes." Lydia cringed and hid her face against Beverly's shoulder, the red haired woman took another sip of her beer and chuckled at her friend. She really hadn't changed.

"She still has the scar to prove it." Eddie joined in, making a grab for his wife's arm, "Its on her elbow."

"Get off! You're getting grease all over my jacket - that's disgusting Eddie!"

"So- wait? You guys got married?" Rich practically cackled

"Yeah why's that so funny dickwad?"

"I don't know seems to me like she hates you."

"Isn't that what all marriages are based off? Mutual hate." Lyds joined in, the woman was just glad to not be the one being teased for a moment.

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now