Q&A With the Avengers (Part 4)

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I turn back to Flash, looking him up and down before smirking slightly. "You know, I always thought you would be less of a wimp. You bully me for years, and when it finally backfires, you try to hide. What the hell did I ever do to you to deserve all this shit?" And you can't talk yourself out of this, so I suggest you tell me the truth"

I watch his cheeks turn into a burning red, and notice the glimmer in his eyes. He's crying.

"Oh for fucks sake, what do you have to cry about? Answer my son before I knock all of your teeth out of your mouth" Pops growls from his position next to dad, and I shoot him a glare. He ignores me, and slowly stands up. Dad, finally able to move, jumps up and follows his husband. Stephen tries to follow Dad, but Pietro holds out his arm to stop him.

Flash flinches, before he finally speaks up "Y-You, I j-just"

"I suggest you speak a little bit faster" Scott appears right next to Flash, scaring the shit out of him.

I sigh, does anyone ever listen to me? Flash is squirming under the gaze of Dad, Pops, Scott, Loki, Bucky and basically everyone else in the room. He opens his mouth several times, but closes it every time without getting a sound out of it.

This is much to Dad's dislike, who grabs him by the collar of his shirt and push him against the wall. Pops doesn't even try to stop him, so I run over to them and uncurl dad's fingers from the collar of Flash's shirt.

"Peter" Dad growls "If you don't stay out of this you're grounded for the rest of your life"

"I couldn't care any less"

Dad looks a bit taken back by my answer, and I turn away from him, not bothering to look. I know that he's angry anyway, I don't need to check. I ignore everyone in the room as I look at Flash again.


"You just, I was just" He lets out a sigh, and I raise my brow "I was jealous, okay?" He quickly continues, after seeing my face.

"Excuse me? What the hell do you have to be jealous about?"

"You were better than me. In everything. And you have 2 amazing friend-"

"3" I interrupt "At school at least, Ned, MJ and Betty aren't my only friends. Shuri is my best friend in the entire world, aside from them. And Wade is a pretty damn good friend, if you ask me"

"Fine, but you were better in school. Better in chemistry. You got better grades. You looked happier than I've ever been. And I hated you for it"

I let that information sink in for a moment, before I let out a sigh. I help him up, and wrap my arm around him shortly. "If you stop trying to hurt me, we'll figure something out"

I don't wait for his reaction before turning to Dad, and nodding in the direction of Ms.Brooks. He nods and walks over to her, glaring at her on his way over there.

I feel a familiar arm wrap around my shoulder, and I relax when I feel his lips pressed against my head. He just holds me, standing beside me, and that's all he has to do.

"Listen up, you moron. There will be a letter on the principal's desk, explaining what you did for the past 4 years, and I can guarantee you can start looking for a new job in the morning"

Ms.Brook's cheeks turn red, and she opens her mouth to speak, but Pops is faster. "You heard him, now get out of my house"

When she doesn't stand up, Wanda shoots her magic at her, lifting her up and out of the door. We can hear her struggling against the power of the red magic all the way into the elevator, where we hear a faint sound, and judging by the sight of Wanda when she returns, she dropped M.Brooks on the floor of the elevator.

My family and I turn our attention to my classmates, who are all standing in the corner, some of them shaking a bit.

"If you don't tell anyone about what happened in this Q&A, we'll go upstairs and watch a movie with you guys" Auntie Nat proposes.

My classmates cheer when they promise not to tell anyone, and Nat tells them to follow her upstairs. Every member of my family follows, leaving me and Wade alone.

"Are you okay Babyboy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sigh, wrapping my arms around him "I love you babe"

"I know" He lifts my chin up with one finger, and kisses me shortly before answering with "I love you too"

I smile, intertwine my fingers with his, and lead him out of the door. To my family.

All was well

That's it guys, the end of this story. I honestly hate to end this, I love this story and It's readers to much....

But I have to, and my new book is up now. 'Speechless' is updated, and I hope that you guys will all go over there and read that one to.

And if you're waiting for fieldtrip story's, I'm gonna ask you to hang around this account for a while. 'Broken' will be published sometime next week, and I'm really proud of it. It's based on a request I loved, and I think I wrote a fitting story.

I hope to see you guys in other story's off mine, but for now, goodbye.

I love every single one of you with my entire heart,


A superfamily with a fieldtrip destination (Peter Parker/Spidey) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat