Q&A With the Avengers (Part 4)

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A/N Guys, this chapter contains a lot of swearing. Just so you know ;) This is the last chapter of this book, so I hope you guys enjoy! Leave a comment with your thoughts, and I'd love it if you would go check out my other book 'Speechless' (It's first real chapter is out now!)


3rd person P.O.V.

She shouldn't have said that.

Tony would've ripped her head of right then and there, if it wasn't for Steve and Stephen tackling him and pinning him down to prevent him from actually doing that and ending up in prison. Clint is standing next to Natasha, who takes out her previously sharpened knife, while Clint loads his bow with a sharp arrow. Wade and Shuri are struggling against a string of Wanda's red magic, fighting it so that they can join Tony in his mission to kill Ms. Brooks.

Peter's eyes widen in shock when he tears his gaze away from his struggling boyfriend, and notices that Scott is gone.

Scott is gone.

He shrunk.

Shit, he shrunk.

The realisation hits him hard, and his eyes frantically dart across the room trying to spot a small man running across the floor. Peter panics when he can't find him, not knowing if Scott is on his way to his teacher or his bully.

Scott is wondering the same thing while he's circling between the student's feet. He wants to hurt Ms.Brooks badly, she's allowed Flash to hurt Peter for years after all. But he sets his course on Flash, making up his mind. Flash is worse than that fucking teacher. Yes, she allowed it, but Flash actually DID it. He punched, kicked and thrash-talked Peter for years. And that's not okay. Not even a little bit.

Flash is trembling with fear in the corner of the room, as he desperately tries to avoid looking at all the heroes who are glaring at him. Not one of his friends are even trying to help him, and Ms.Brooks has her own things to worry about. So he's alone, all alone, when he hears footsteps approaching. 2 pairs of black shoes are making their way towards him, while he tries to become one with the wall behind him.

The rest of the students run towards the other side of the room, leaving Flash and Ms.Brooks out in the open. They all look at the furious superheroes in front of them, scared. Their running away also exposed Scott, much to his dislike. Peter, on the other hand, lets out a sigh of relief when he spots the small man on the floor, making his way to Flash.

Loki and Bucky are approaching the boy who tormented their Peter, leaving the teacher to the rest of the Avengers. Their steps falter as Peter lets out a scream, causing everyone to shut up and look at the young boy.

Peter's P.O.V.

"STOP" I let out a scream, and much to my liking, everyone stops with what they are doing and look at me. I don't like all the eyes on me, but I'm glad that they stopped doing something that would get themselves arrested.

"You all need to fuck off" I avoid looking at my family, and look Flash dead in the eye instead. He twists a bit under my gaze, but I continue anyway.

"You all know I love you, and I would get myself killed for any of you. But you need to stay the fuck out of this. I lived with this for years, I can live with it for years more. Yes, Flash is a dick, I won't deny that. And I also won't deny that Ms.Brooks can go fuck herself, and she'll be looking for a new job first thing in the morning. But I can handle this myself"

Pops opens his mouth to interrupt, but I continue before he can.

"I know you don't like that, but I don't care. I don't want to have to move out of here, because my entire family is in jail. You guys are legends, but they won't make an exception if you killed 2 people. And I can't let that happen. I'm sorry"

A superfamily with a fieldtrip destination (Peter Parker/Spidey) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt