Chapter Twenty One: The End

Start from the beginning

"Very well." He nods. "As long as you come back."

You nod. "Oh, I'm definitely coming back."

"To Earth, Heimdall." Thor speaks.

Heimdall nods, shoving his large sword in a weird mechanism. Lightning shoots out from it as the weird opening you and Thor came in closes. The orb you're in is spinning fast on the outside. There's a large opening that you and Thor are standing in front of. With the turn of the sword in Heimdall's hands, you and Thor show up on Earth again.

   The two of you seem to be in a park. Thor looks down at you, placing an arm around you. He brings you close and starts swinging his hammer. The hammer pulls him, causing you two to fly. You grip onto your bags tight.

  Next thing you know, you're on a roof next to your pod that you brought from the Milano. A smile makes its way to your face as Thor lets go of you.

"We got lucky. It doesn't always take us anywhere close to where we want to go." Thor laughs, slapping a hand on your shoulder as you hurry to the pod.

"I guess I'm a lucky charm." You joke as you open the pod and throw your stuff inside.

"Is this goodbye?" Thor questions.

You close the door and look up at your big brother. "Not yet. I wanna see Tony before I go."

"Then let us not waste time." Thor says.

"Aragon, wait here." You order gently.

"Yes, (y/n)." He says as he flies off your shoulder.

The two of you walk to the elevator and go down to the main room. When the doors open, Tony's eyes land on you automatically.

"Ah, Point Break, Kill Bill, come on in." Tony pats the seat next to him on the couch.

"I'd like to stay and talk, but I'm going home today." You smile as you walk to your friend.

"But you just got here." Tony says, picking up his glass from the table as he stands up.

"I'll see you again. I promise. If you ever need any help, just contact me." You smile up at him.

"Yeah, I will." He pats your shoulder. "I'm glad you came to say bye. Now, get back to your man in the stars."

You nod and then turn to your big brother. He looks upset. "Hey.." You walk up to him. "I'll see you again, I promise. I wouldn't dream of never coming to Asgard again."

He smiles down at you. "I know you'll come back, sister. It's just the time until you come back that worries me."

You wrap your arms around him, and squeeze him tight. "Stop being such a drama Queen." You joke as you back away.

"Get back to your other half. Don't keep him waiting anymore." He says.

"See ya, guys! I'll see you soon!" You wave as you hurry into the elevator.

"Hopefully not too soon." Tony waves with a joking smile on his lips.

"Goodbye, sister." Thor waves to you as the doors close.

You can't help but feel a bit hurt. You've just left your brother behind, and not his him. But you know you'll be back to see them. When the doors open again, you run to the pod as fast as you can, and hop inside.

"Come on, Ar." You gesture for him to enter the pod.

  He gets in and you turn it on. "Take me back to the Milano." You command.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now