Chapter Two

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A safe distance from the park, the Angel and boy reappeared. "Wow! Dat COOL" yelled Anthony in excitement,bouncing up and down in Castiel's arms. "Again again." "Not right now. We are going to the park," Cas told him, lowering him to the ground and taking his hand."awwwww." Anthony pouted for a minute but as soon as the park came into view. He started squealing,running forwards tugging on the Angel's hand. "Huwwy UP!" "I am going the adequate speed for a walk" Castiel told the excited boy, but he sped up anyway. Anthony looked up at castiel. He liked his new friend but he was very strange. When the two enter the park,they noticed there weren't too many children around, which made Anthony grin. Castiel looked at the children and all the equipment with an almost fearful expression.Even though he had studied the behavior of humans for thousands of years, he had never taken a child to a park before. He wasn't hundred percent sure of what to do. "Cashtul!" Yelled Anthony pulling his hand, snapping him out of his thoughts. " I apologize, Anthony. I was thinking." Castiel looked down at Anthony who was still smiling, which made him smile back. "What would you like to do first?" "Um... Go dat pees?" Asked Dean, pointing at the smaller of two slides. The huge spiral slide was much bigger than Cas, which intimate Anthony. "Of course." Castiel started walking over to the slide and let Anthony's hand go. "I will stand here and observe," he said not wanting to leave him. He knew that demons still wanted the Winchesters and him being a child and half Angel would make him an easier target. Anthony giggled and ran over to climb up the steps. "Watch! Watch me, Cashtul! Watch" he yelled sitting at the top. "I am watching," Castiel reassured him with a nod. Anthony let go of the slide,and slid down with his little arms in the air, screaming happily. "WEEEEEEEEE!" He made it to the end and ran over to Cas. "You see? You see me, Cashtul" he rambled happily, bouncing in his excitement, making Castiel smile again. "I saw, Anthony. It looked like a lot of fun." Anthony giggled again and ran back to the slide. After three more goes, he ran back over to his friend. "Come Cashtul" he said,pulling Castiel's hand again. "Come swide" frowning, Castiel allowed himself to be pulled over to the metal steps of the bigger slide. "Anthony, I am not a child." "But...but it wight big. I scared," Anthony whispered, watching a mom slide down with her son. "pees come"Castiel looked down at the frightened expression on the little freckled face, then back up at the huge purple slide. "Very well. I shall accompany you down the slide." "Um... What?" asked the little boy, confused at the big words the angel always used."I will come down the slide with you." "YAY! Fank you Cashtul," giggled Anthony , clapping his hands in delight" "You are very welcome, Anthony ." It was Anthony 's turn on the huge slide next, and as promised Castiel picked Anthony up, and carefully sat at the top with him on his knee, like he had seen the young mom do. "Are you ready?" "Yeah," nodded Anthony, biting his lip as Castiel's arms wrapped around him. He leaned back against the angel's chest, and grabbed one of his hands with both of his when they began the long slide down."WEEEEEEEEEE!" he squealed happily, his fear completely gone, making Castiel laugh with him. This slide was a lot longer than the other one, but Anthony loved it even more. Once they reached the bottom, Anthony was giggling uncontrollably. "Dat woads funny." "It was," agreed Castiel, surprised at how fun it was. "What would you like to play on next?" "Erm..." Anthony looked around, and saw the roundabout. "Oooh. Go dat," he pointed, and took off running. "Anthony, wait," said Cas, running after him, he wasn't letting the little boy out of his sight.Anthony ran to the roundabout, and stood waiting for his friend. "Funny Cashtul," he said, pointing at the trench coat, which was flying out behind him as he ran. "Batman." The angel came to a stop in-front of Anthony, a confused expression crossing his face, wondering what a bat man was Anthony tried to climb up onto the roundabout, but he was too small. "Hewp me," he said, holding his arms up."Okay." Cas lifted him, and sat him on the seat. After making sure Anthony was seated, he checked the ride over to see how it worked. He grabbed the bar and gave a little tug, but it didn't move, so he turned his hand slightly, nodding in satisfaction when it turned too. "Okay, I understand how this works. Hold onto the bar, it is ideal for safety."Awight." Anthony 's little hands held tightly to the bar as Castiel moved his hand in a circular motion, and the ride started moving slowly on its own.Anthony kicked his legs, giggling once again. "Ant GO AWOUND, CASHTUL! WOOK!" Castiel smiled, the sound of the child's laughter was like music to him, and he cherished the sound of The little Winchester laughing and smiling like that, since the older ones didn't do much of either. The roundabout was so much fun that Anthony played on it for fifteen minutes, before deciding he wanted to play on something else.An hour later, Anthony and Castiel were on the seesaw. Anthony thought it was funny how the angel once again made it move on its own, so they could go up and down without moving their legs. Anthony was swinging and kicking his little legs as he looked around the park to see what else he could play on. "Cashtul Cashtul, pway dat pees?" he asked, pointing "Okay." Castiel stopped the movement of the seesaw before he climbed off, and went to help the little boy. After Castiel let him off, Anthony ran over to the huge climbing frame in the middle of the park. "Anthony , be careful," Castiel called worriedly. "Make sure you don't fall off." "Awight Cashtul. Ant bwave," Anthony told him, climbing to the middle platform, and waving. "See?" Castiel smiled and waved back. "I will stand right here, in-case you need my assistance," he told him, standing as close to the climbing frame as he could. Anthony grinned, and went to climb up the other section, which would take him up higher. Reaching the top, he looked down, and gasped when he realised this was even bigger than the angel. "YAAAAAAY!Ant BIG GIANT!" "You sure are high. But be very careful up there," repeated Castiel, feeling like a worried parent A boy around seven year old came over to Anthony, and smiled. "You're a very good climber. Really little boys can't climb this high." "I bwave Ant ," Anthony told the older boy, blushing slightly. He giggled, and walked back to the edge to climb back down, but he was so busy talking to the other boy that he lost his footing, and was sent falling."AAAAAHHHHHH!" "ANTHONY!" yelled Castiel, running as fast as he could to the other side where the tiny Winchester disappeared over the edgeIgnoring the screams of other children and their parents Castiel ran, his trench coat flying behind him, making him look like a superhero. He reached the other side, and skidded to his knees, holding his arms out just before Anthony fell into them."Anthony ? Are you alright?" asked Castiel when he saw Anthony 's eyes were closed. He adjusted the little boy, so he was laying comfortably in his arms, then checked Anthony 's pulse. Feeling the strong beat against his fingertips, he ran his free hand over the little body to check for injuries. "Anthony , can you hear me?" The other people in the park rushed over, some of the children were crying, but Castiel didn't notice; his full attention was on the little boy. "Anthony ."Laying cradled in Castiel's arms with his eyes scrunched shut, Anthony cautiously opened them to see Castiel looking worriedly down at him, a panicked look in the blue eyes. "Cashtul?" he asked, sitting up and looking around, shaking in shock. "You catched me?" "Of course I caught you. I could not stand by and watch as you plummeted to the ground," said Castiel, still looking worried. "Are you injured? Do you hurt anywhere?" "Erm... No." The little face crumpled, and he burst into tears. "SCARED!" he cried, hiding his face against the angel's shoulder. "It's alright, daddy gotta " soothed Castiel, his hand rubbing soothing circles on Anthony's little back while he made comforting noises. The poor kid had such a fright" "Oh my god," cried one of the moms. "Is he alright?" "I am not god, but yes he is fine," answered Castiel, standing up with a crying Anthony in his protective arms. He pulled his trench coat closed to wrap around them both, to keep the little boy safe, and warm. "He is unharmed, but scared. "Oh good. You're a hero, you know," she said, placing her hand on the angel's shoulder. "If it wasn't for you, the poor thing could've been seriously hurt, or worse." "There is nothing worse than A Winchester being injured," Cas told her, not understanding that worse meant death. "I have been appointed his guardian angel andante his Father. It is my responsibility to look after him, it is a job I take very seriously.""Er... Okay," said the young woman, staring at Castiel, before walking away. The guy might be a hero for saving the small boy, but he was weird."It's alright Anthony," whispered Castiel, rocking from side to side gently. "I will keep you safe."Several minutes later, Anthony stopped sobbing, and wiped his tears with one tiny fist. He lifted his head, and looked around, surprised when he saw all the people surrounding them. "Um..." he mumbled, placing his fingers in his mouth, looking adorably shy."There is no need to be afraid. I will not let any harm come to you. Would you like me to take you home to Sam?" "Noooooo. Want pway park," Anthony told him, bouncing in his arms, and tugging on the tie. The huge puppy dog eyes were out in full force, the tears making it even more impossible to say no. "Peeeees Cashtul." "Very well. Would you like to play on those?" he asked, pointing over to the swings"SWIIIIINGS!" yelled Anthony, giggling and clapping. "Yes pees. Woves swing." "Okay." Cas took a step forward, but noticed they were still surrounded. "May we pass?" When they made sure the little boy really was alright, the group separated and went back to playing.After the huge fright, Castiel carried Dean over to the toddler swings. He looked down to see Anthony was staring at him in awe. "Are you alright?" "You's catched me," repeated Anthony, his blue eyes huge, and still swimming with tears."I will always catch you when you fall, Anthony," Castiel told him, wiping his tear-streaked cheeks. When they got to their destination, Cas lowered him to the ground, and looked around at the two other children on the swings, and saw you just placed the child in the seat and pushed them. Castiel gave the swing a push, but he pushed a little too violently. Luckily, the little boy wasn't sitting in the swing, otherwise Anthony would have been catapulted into space. "Push gently," the blond woman next to him said, before demonstrating with her own daughter ."Oh. Thank you." Castiel nodded, and lifted Anthony to sit him in the seat. After making sure Anthony's legs came through the holes, he walked behind and gently pushed the swing."WOOOOHOOOOO!" screamed Anthony, giggling. "AGAIN AGAIN! HIGH CASHTUL HIGH!"Smiling slightly, the angel did as asked, and pushed the swing again. It warmed his heart to hear Anthony laugh like that. He enjoyed seeing The boy like this, so happy and innocent. Anthony's breath caught when he looked up, and saw something beautiful flying high above him. "Wook Cashtul. Butfy," said Anthony , pointing up at the sky. "Go high wike butfy?"

"I cannot push you up into the sky, Anthony," Castiel told him."Butfy pwetty. Twy catch it," said Anthony , holding his arms out as Cas pushed him forward again. "Oh no. Not catched it." Castiel smiled, and watched the adorable, innocent child. He whispered something under his breath, and suddenly the butterfly flew over and onto his finger."There you go," said the angel as he stopped the swing for a few seconds, and knelt beside Anthony."WOW!" yelled Anthony excitedly when the big purple and black butterfly flew from Castiel's hand, and hovered just in-front of him. He held out both his tiny hands, and gasped when it flew into them. "CASHTUL! BUTFY FWIEND!" "Yes. I see him, Anthony. I think he likes you." Castiel stood back up, and continued pushing the swing."Oooh," Anthony squealed in delight, his whole little face lighting up with the biggest smile when the butterfly flew onto his little freckled nose. "WOOK!" Cas continued watching the happy child and the butterfly. The beautiful butterfly flew from Anthony 's nose, but started flying around him. Anthony waved his arms, trying to catch it again, but it continued circling him.

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