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Selfishness V.S Selflessness
"IL!" Screamed Luna as she poofed into her room. Deceit put her in there before she could finish her sentence, "DARN IT!"
Just as the words escaped her mouth she nearly choked on the chain that appeared around her neck and dragged her to the wall as two matching cuffs appear around her wrist. Great, she thought as she found a comfortable position that she could still breath in, of course I have to be punished for opening my big mouth and trying to tell the others where to find me. She looked at her wrist and moved the cuffs out of the way of the snake and raven wings bracelet tattoos on her wrists. The connections as all the other darks called them, shows the mental connections each of them has. Never liking the others, Luna only had two. One for Deceit, and one for Virgil. Looking at the wings reminded her to check her own. She unfurled her giant wings, about a 10ft wingspan in all, and in the dim lighting of her magic in hand she saw them as a pale gray. I guess we have less time than I thought we did, she pondered. Being both a light and dark side made things complicated when she was going in one direction or the other. After about 10 to 15 minutes of what she assumed was just more bickering Deceit finally came to her room. Wellp, I'm good as dead.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Yelled Deceit as he summoned one of his daggers.
"Really? Using that as a threat? Go on, do it. Maybe you can give me a matching scar on my dark eye."
"THEN DO IT ALL READY! I HAVE LITERALLY NOTHING TO LOSE! JUST END THE CYCLE OF MY SUFFERING!" At this point, Luna is trying to say her words through the stream of black tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't mean to say what she had said, it just came out. In her mind she was hating herself for being like Deceit, because she did have something to lose, Virgil, Patton, Logan, and Roman. If she gives into Deceit, she could lose herself to the dark side forever.
"This is just a waste of my time, if I really wanted you on the Dark side I would have done so already. You of all people know the strength of my powers," said Deceit as he straightened up and headed to the door that had appeared.
"Never thought I'd say this but you do have a point Deceit, but if you can turn me into what you want me to be, then why haven't you done so already?"
"Because you are an important piece I need for my plan to work. So, do what your told and don't fall out of line, and you might be able to see the other lights," he told her through a creepy grin.
"Ok but what's the..." she tried to ask but was cut off when he slammed the door closed and it disappeared, "catch. Well that went well." Luna sighed, she was in this room so frequently she was familiar with every inch of that place. But what she always spend hours just longingly staring at was the picture she had hidden from Deceit by infusing it with her magic to make invisible. A picture of two people, a boy and a girl, but not just any random set of siblings, oh no. It was a picture of Luna and Virgil, in a rare moment of the both of the being truly happy, before Deceit had to be himself and mess up everything she held dear. This is bad, really, really bad, thought Luna as her black tears started to run down her face, Oh Virge, how are we gonna get ourselves out of this one.
End of Prologue

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