Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning


That single word made his blood boil in his veins, and Clint whipped around to the source of the noise.

Loki was standing up, one arm outstretched towards him, a small frown on his face. He had been the one to speak.

Clint seethed.

"I have nothing to say to you," He spat, and turned to leave the room. Loki took a step forward, and in a flash Natasha was there in front of him, a gun level to his forehead. He glanced down at the weapon, and then quickly back up to Clint.

"I can heal her." He spoke.

Clint froze. He knew that Loki was powerful, but he was defeated, and wouldn't have nearly enough energy for the amount of power it would take to heal his sister. Loki was bluffing, he had to be.

"What?" Clint asked, trying to sound uninterested, but failed miserably. He was desperate for something, anything to make his sister better, and if that came in the form of the god he hated most, so be it.

"I can heal her." Loki repeated. Natasha dropped the gun, and stepped back to Clint's side. Clint shook his head, trying to get rid of any thoughts of having Loki help. Sam would get better all on her own, and she needed no help from the man who had caused all of this.

"How?" But Clint's voice betrayed him, and he turned to face Loki. He crossed his arms, and tried not to look as desperate as he felt.

Loki looked down at the floor, staring holes into the ground. Finally, he looked up at Clint, and swallowed.

"I have to see her," He said.

Clint laughed out loud at that, and shook his head.

"Yeah, no." He said, uncrossing his arms. There was no way in hell that he was going to let Loki into a room with his sister. He wasn't going anywhere near her after what he's done.

Loki stepped forward, sending a glance over at Natasha to make sure that she wouldn't attack him. He wrung his hands, before speaking.

"It's the only way. You want her to recover from her wounds, as do I. I know that you are not fond of me, nor do you trust me, b-"

"Damn right." Clint muttered.

Loki ignored him.

"But we both care for her. I was hoping we might put aside our feelings, if only for a few minutes, so that I could heal her. Then I will return to Asgard and you will never have to hear from me again," Loki finished, and Clint couldn't help but think of how desperate Loki looked.

Maybe they could put aside their feelings.

At least for a little bit.

Clint thought about it for a long time, about whether it would be worth it. If it worked then he wouldn't regret it one bit, but if Loki tried something, then Clint would never forgive himself. But if they didn't try it, Sam might not make it anyways.

This might be her only hope.

"Fine," He said, and Loki seemed to brighten almost immediately. "But I'm going to be in the room the entire time, and if you try anything... I will not hesitate to put an arrow through your skull." Clint threatened; making sure Loki knew exactly how he felt about this situation.

Loki's hopeful smile made Clint seethe, but he shook off the anger, and motioned to Thor, who grabbed Loki's arm and pulled him out after Clint.

On the way to the hospital, Clint wondered what the hell he was doing. He was taking an evil god to heal his sister. An evil god who put him under some sort of freaky spell that made him betray those closest to him. Not to mention he was the god who had something going on with his sister! And Clint was just supposed to trust him? This was Sammie they were talking about! It was her life on the line!

But Clint supposed that that was why he was doing this. Because her life was on the line, he had to do this. If Loki felt something towards his sister, then maybe he wouldn't try anything, and maybe he would heal her. There were so many ways that this could end badly, but damn it Clint had to try.

For her.

When they got to the hospital, Clint led Loki up to Samantha's room, making sure to keep him in his sights at all times. Loki stopped at the door, hesitating. Would he be able to do this? Not only heal her, but face her again after how things ended between them. He was the reason she was lying in that hospital bed, and that was something he may never forgive himself for.

Taking a deep breath, Loki gripped the doorknob, turning it gently and walking through to the other side.

When he saw Samantha lying there, he thought he might cry out. He had thought that seeing her wouldn't be as bad as seeing her bloody and unconscious, but he was wrong. Seeing her here, pale and fragile and vulnerable, nearly broke him. How could a mortal have this effect on him? How could the mere sight of her broken form make him feel this way?

He made his way to her side, sitting silently in the chair beside her. He stared down at his angel, his light, and gently held her hand in his own.

And for a while he just sat there, staring down at Samantha and wondering what it was about her that made him fall so hard for her. What trait or what feature stood out so much to him?

Was it the fact that she was the bravest, boldest, and most impulsive human that he had met? Or was it the fact that she was the most beautiful mortal he had come in contact with, with her long russet hair that seemed to flow endlessly from her head, or her blue eyes that seemed to pierce through everything?

Whatever it was, he knew he had fallen in love with her, and would do anything to make sure that his light would keep on shining.

He closed his eyes, concentrating and letting his magic flow into Samantha's body like a steady stream. He felt the energy drain out of him but drift into her, and that was all that mattered to him at the moment.

Gasping softly, he let go of her hand and held his head in his hands. He winced, but looked back up at her.

Samantha's bright blue eyes stared back at him, and a small smile played on her lips.


! #$%^

Sam's POV

! #$%^

"Loki?" I couldn't help but let a smile creep over my features at the sight of him, even if he looked tired and pale.

Then confusion clouded my thoughts, and I looked around the room. I was lying in a bed, and upon closer inspection I realized that it was a hospital bed. A hospital? I was in a hospital?

Then I remembered the cut in my side, and passing out. The rest of the gang must have brought me here, but that still didn't explain Loki. What was Loki doing here? Why was he even here at all? Shouldn't he be in some prison somewhere, or taken back to Asgard?

"Samantha!" I heard someone cry out, and looked up to see Clint shove Loki out of the way, clambering into the chair.

"Hey Clint…" I spoke, my voice rough from being unused. I cleared my throat, and shook my head. Why was I still in the hospital? I felt great!

"Oh God, Sammie," Clint whispered, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly in his own. I smiled, and then looked over at Loki, who was staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

I raised my eyebrows at the two of them, and shook my head.

"So, what'd I miss?"

! #$%^

A/N: Thank you guys for reading, sorry for the shortness, but I got this chapter out as soon as I could. Let me know what you think about this chapter, I know it's very unexciting, but this story is almost over. Either the next chapter or the chapter after that is going to be the end, so make sure to tune in! Let me know what you think, guys :)

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