School Shooting(No one dies I swear)

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"Aw Fuc* I can't believe you've done this," Peter said.

Let's rewind and see what he means, it's pretty iconic.


Ned, MJ, and I are currently sitting in the front row during an assembly. I am bored out of my mind just trying not to fall asleep. This assembly here is for black history month(I don't know if other schools do this) and I didn't get to much sleep last night and combine that with the principals monotone voice. I am two seconds from falling asleep. Suddenly my spidey sense acts up, looking around for the possible threat, but I was to late as a man with a gun burst through the gym door. 

"Everyone silent!" He yells as he nears a kid. Probably to take them hostage, I don't know if it was impulse control but I abruptly stood of tapping my watch to alert Mr. Stark as a stupidly yelled. 

"Don't take them! Take me instead." Welp Shuri better uphold her promise and stand next to my grave in a reaper suit silently(My cousin gives us 3 options love her so much) probably a bad idea but if I die I want this.

"Wow got yourself a brave mouth but I'll take you as hostage instead." He said grabbing me and pointing the gun to my side. Immediately wacking the gun down, causing it to go off, and disarming the guy I send a roundhouse kick. Impulse control again and he noticed me throw it only barely dodging it. But this time quicker and with my other leg I send a side push kick causing him to fall backwards and fall unconscious.

"Peter! Are you ok?!? Oh god you need a hospital you were shot!!?!" Ned screamed, despite knowing I am spider-man he is still worried I am so touched , wait shot? 

Looking down, oh look at that I was shot. "Aw fuc* I can't believe you've done this," Peter states before fainting but not before hearing the sound of the Iron Man suit and police coming into the gym.

"Pete! Kid!" Tony yells before quickly picking him up, "I am taking him to the med bay teachers I'll update you on his condition." He says before hastily flying away.

~~Time Skips~~

Peter woke up a hour ago but very tired still. So when the other avengers went to get Tony out when they saw the two cuddling. Did the avengers take a million photos? Some for blackmail others for the reason being cute. No they didn't it was probably more than that.

Another short chapter, hope you enjoyed! Peace out!

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