The Question Noone Answers

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" I-I Like you Senpai ! "
" Why. "
. . .
It was a simple question.

" so..? "

No answer.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.
" tch, Come back when you have a reason. "
I left the scene, in the corner of my eyes I could see the young female in the grass in front of a cherry tree with tears streaming on their face.

' I like you '

Such easy words to say,

Such easy words to manipulate and to misuse.

I've been confessed to at least 100,000,000 times,

But not once was I told why someone loved me or liked me.

There was no explanation for those three words.

If you're confused why I said 'was' it's because I died.

The Corporal Levi you know is gone.

However, I did get a new life in 'Tokyo,Japan' Year 3000.

I've gotten used to the fact how people confess to me their 'love'.

But when I asked why they 'loved' me. They had nothing to say,

I'm not making the same mistake I did back inside the walls.

I won't let myself be toyed with so easily

Nor will I be toyed with in general

If I'm going to settle down, it's won't because I was confessed to without a reason.

So I'm pretty much a 17 year old Virgin who hasn't had their first kiss.

Pretty boring but Eh better than being a slut opening my legs to anyone who dared to ask.

I'm walking home now, Shitty glasses and Eyebrows are here too, along with some of the shitty brats and Isabell and Farlen.

Isabell and Farlen live with me, So I'm coming home to them-
" LEVI! "
I turn around to see Eren panting and with his hand on my shoulder.

" What do you want Eren. Why are you touching-"

Eren soon got closer to my face and forced my hands to my side.

" O-Oí!! B-Brat! "

Ah. Eren Jeager, one of my cadets when we were still inside the walls.

Over time I had come to be fond of him.

Too fond.

Which I tried keeping my distance from him but we ended up getting closer.

He kept coming closer..
And closer..

Fucking hell is this brat trying to make me blush ?!

Whats this brat tryna do!?

" EREN! "

" Levi,I love you. . "
Let's see if he has an answer

For the question I repeated over and over again seamlessly

" Why?- "

" well, if you wanna know so badly. It's because You're a Boss ass bitch who won't take anyone's shit, and you can handle yourself without me. Did I mention.. "
. . .

No way

. . .

I've asked that question so many times

. . .

Why did he have to be the one to answer it!?
. . .

" I've felt this way for a long time.. "

. . .

He's a brat to me. Nothing more..

. . .

He keeps getting closer

. . .

At this point I might as well run but I can't move my legs..

. . .


. .

Should I let this brat get his way

. . .


. .

Let's see...surely he won't agree...he is like the rest.
. . .
" Eren. I will only accept your confession. If you make a deal with me. . . "

Eren rested his head on top of mine,

. . .
Tch, Tall ass brat

. . .
" Okay? Which is ? "

" . . You'll Love me. . I'll Love you. . You Kiss me. . I'll think about kissing you. . If you cheat on me. I will never want to see you again. Whatever you do, I'll Do the same. Besides cheat. I just don't give you a second chance unless Isabell or Farlen tell me too. "

I cupped his face and pulled it away.

" Also, If you fuck me over. I will rip your face apart. "

Eren removed my hands and nuzzled his nose with mine and moved his arm to my waist.

" I won't cheat, don't worry . I wouldn't want any other person look at you, you're MY Captain Levi.. also..I won't hurt you Levi.. That's for sure.."

I close my eyes for one second
. . .
Am I ready..?
. . .
Wait ! Has he kissed someone before !?
. . .
Has be been in a relationship before!?
. .
Should I ask!?
. .
Would it sound rude..?
Eren was about to kiss me, I was hesitant whether or not to do it.
" W-Wait Eren are you a-"
Right before he kissed me,
" I'm like you.. This will be my first too ,Captain."
Then right when his lips were inches away.



I saw Eren get sent flying and when I turned around I saw Farlen with Isabell right behind him.

" Don't worry Big Bro! This Pervert won't get you pregnant!! "
I looked at Farlen with a glare

" what the fuck, Blondie. "

" Your safe now, as long as Isabell (thinks) knows you can get pregnant when you kiss someone. She will alert me when you are in danger."

Eren's got up and came towards us again,
pushing Farlen and isabell far enough to kiss me on the cheek.

" It's a deal. "

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