Chapter 9

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"Her Royal Highness Princess Sierra White, and Sir Jay." Lumiere announced. Sierra walked down the steps with a smile as Jay walked beside her. The two made it to Evie and Carlos. Evie looked at Sierras dress.

"You looked beautiful Sierra." Evie said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks." Sierra said with a smile, as Jane, Lonnie and Doug walked over to the four.

"Hey guys enjoying the party?" Jane asked. Sierra smiled happily at Jane with all the hard work she's done.

"Yes, it's beautiful." Sierra said to her friend.

"Presenting the future Lady Mal." Lumiere announced. Mal walked out in a dress with the Auradon colors blue and yellow. Everyone clapped and cheered as Mal walked towards her friends.

"Hey, how are you?" Evie asked.

"Um, I'm sort of feeling like I'm going to throw up." Mal admitted.

"Look we're all right here with you. Ok?" Evie said hugging her best friend.

"His Majesty King Benjamin." Lumiere announced. Everyone clapped and cheered for Ben as came out with a smile. Everyone bowed as he walked down the steps to Mal with a sad face.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain." Ben said looking back up the stairs to see Uma walking out in a beautiful teal blue dress. Everyone was shocked to see Uma. "I'm sorry it all happened so fast. Something happened to me while I was on the isle with Uma. A connection." Ben said to Mal.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked not sure what to think.

"I'm saying-" Ben was interrupted by Uma.

"It was love." Uma said. "I just, I realized just how much of a like Ben, and I are. Sierra helped me see that." Uma said, making everyone look at Sierra.

"What is she talking about Sierra?" Jay asked, as everyone looked at her.

"I only said that Uma and Ben were leaders, and that if they got together, they could come to a compromise and maybe let Uma, and her crew come to Auradon." Sierra informed her friends. "But I didn't mean anything about this." Sierra said pointing to Ben and Uma looking at each other all lovey-dovey. Mal turned to Ben and Uma.

"Ben did you go back for her?" Mal asked.

"He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it could close. I'm an excellent swimmer." Uma said.

"You are." Ben said agreeing with Uma. Uma stepped forward with a smile and took Mal's hand in hers.

"Listen Mal, I just wanted to thank you, for everything. I do." Uma said and hugged Mal.

"Don't you see Mal, you were right." Ben said. "You knew that we weren't meant to be together, that's why you never told me that you loved me." Ben said. Mal looked like she was ready to cry as Ben and Uma began to start dancing.

"We're with you Mal." Lonnie told Mal.

"Come on let's go." Jay said.

"Yeah." Evie said as she was pulling Mal along. As they made it to the steps Belle and Beast stopped them.

"Mal! Mal honey we're so sorry we had no idea." Belle said

"I'm gonna talk to him." Beast said. Jane ran up the steps to Lumiere.

"Lumiere, unveil the gift they need to see it!" Jane said out of breath. Lumiere nodded.

"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece. Designed especially for his Lady." Lumiere said and pointed to Mal with a smile. Mal and everyone looked at the beautiful stained glass of Mal and Ben. Everyone was cheering and clapping happily at the art.

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