Chapter 7

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In Auradon
Jay and Carlos fell asleep waiting for Fairy Godmother's magic wand to finish printing. The printer beeped which woke up Jay. He looked at the printer and then hit Carlos in the chest to wake him up.

"Carlos." Jay said. Carlos just sleepily groaned, as he opened his eyes. Carlos sat up remaining the wand a grabbed it.

"Not, bad." Carlos said admiring the wand.

"Yeah. Let's go." Jay said taking the wand from Carlos.

"Hey, guys what about me?" Dude asked them as they opened the door.

"No Dude you stay. I'm serious, stay." Carlos ordered. Dude groaned as he laid down on his bed.

"I love you buddy. We'll be back before you know it." Carlos said as he walked out the door. They made thier way down the stairs around the corner but ran into Doug. Jay hid the wand behind his back.

"Oh, hey. Have you guys seen Evie?" Doug asked.

"Uh... she went camping." Carlos said. Jay just nodded his head in agreement.

"Camping? Evie, I want to live in a castle, sleeping on the ground with nowhere to plug in a hair dryer?" Doug asked.

"You know how spontaneous she is bro." Carlos said.

"Right tollay." Jay said

"Later Doug." Carlos said, both Jay and Carlos turned a round a jumped when they saw Lonnie standing right behind them.

"I'm coming with you guys." Lonnie stated, holding a bag of swords. Jay just chuckled nervously.

"What? We don't need swords at the... waffle hut." Jay said. Carlos turned his head toward Jay and gave him a look.

"You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben and Sierra. Look, it's either toy take me with you or I'm gonna have to go tell Fairy Godmother." Lonnie said. Jay and Carlos look at each other then shakes their heads yes. Lonnie got excited and laced her arms over thier shoulders as they walked to the car.


On the Isle

Ben was tied to a pillar on a ship while Sierra was sitting on the floor with a chain a round her ankle her hands were free but the chain was to short for her to reach Ben to un tie him. They listening to Gil talk thier ears off about what Mal did to Uma when they were kids.

"So then Mal said that Uma could keep th-" Gil was interrupted by Sierra.

"I'm sorry. Gil right?" Sierra asked kindly as always. Gil nodded his head at the fair Princess smiling at her. "Gil that's a very... nice story but I'm not really in the mood for one right now. Ok?" Sierra said politely, as Ben was trying to break free of the rope around his wrists. As Gil was about to say something Harry beat him to it.

"Maybe I can get you in the mood for something else." Harry said with a smirk on his face. "Oh I got you something." Harry said as he held an apple in front of her. Ben just rolled his eyes at the pirate.

"She doesn't like apples." Ben said. Harry looked at the king. Then back at the princess.

"Who doesn't like apples." Harry asked.

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