[Book 1 - SUPERSTITIONS] Chapter 2

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 When Alex and I got to my house we went to the kitchen. "Well. . ." I said as I leaned back on the counter.

"I want to get to know you better Genesis." Alex said as he leaned on the table in front of me.

"Okay, what do you want to know?"

"Lets start simple, favorite color?"


"Um, favorite snack?" 

"Anything Starbucks."

"Favorite. . . gift?"

"This green pendant that has a snake engraved in the diamonds around it. My mother left it for me the year she died." I paused and stared at the floor for about five minutes fighting back tears. I didnt notice Alex walked towards me until he was wiping away the tears that came. I looked up at him.

"I know what it feels like to lose something that means the world to you, but once you find something that makes you happy never let it go because it might be the only thing that can fill the void enough for you to live on."  Alex said in such a sweet tone I was ready to melt. He touched my face and looked into my eyes, "I think I found that thing and I'm ready to fight for it."

I looked into his blue eyes. They were like gems- beautiful, shiny gems. I couldn't take my eyes off him and then he leaned closer. I didnt move at all, then he did it. He put me in a pleasant embrace and kissed me. His soft lips touching mine was the best thing that ever happened. But, we didn't just kiss once we kissed again then changed position and kissed again...

"Genesis?"  Ethan said.

Alex backed away, I rolled my eyes and walked toward Ethan.

"Yes, awesome big brother of mine who has amazing timing and never interrupts anything." I said sarcasticly.

He nodded his head toward Alex, "Who's he?"

"That's Alex." I responded.

"You didnt tell me you had a boyfriend."

"I didnt know I had one."

"Hmm..." Ethan walked towards Alex and then walked to the door, "I'm leaving. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

Alex laughed and walked toward me. He kissed me again,"Since I'm not your boyfriend-"

"No. I didn't mean it that way." I said.

"I know, just messing with you." He laughed,

I kissed him again when my phone began to vibrate. I began to go for it when Alex shook his head no, "Whoever it is just so happens to be interrupting something important."

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