Behind The Mask - @ClarityNMercy

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Mai has attended the annual South Shore Masquerade Ball every Halloween for the past five years. It wasn't until two years ago that she started to enjoy going. Her best friend Kylie went nuts for it and insisted on dragging her along every year despite her initial protests.

Mai's feelings about the ball changed when she met a mysteriously sexy guy two years ago.

Mai nursed a glass of champagne near the outskirts of the room. Kylie, as always, was getting shit-faced and humping any guy she could find on the dance floor.

His ocean-blue eyes peeked through the holes of his golden mask. He was tall, with raven black hair that cascaded in curls around his head. His refined nose and defined square jaw, made him look like the embodiment of a Greek god. He strolled up to Mai confidently and stood next to her.

"Hi," he said. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I've been watching you all night long."

"Is that so?" Mai replied, "And what conclusion have you come to?"

"Well, I've concluded you're not like all the other girls here." He looked down at Mai with his piercing blue eyes. He towered above her by at least six inches.

"How could you possibly know that by just looking at me?" She looked up at him with her torrential grey orbs. Her metallic silver mask sparkled in the light.

"For starters, you're standing under your own volition and second, you aren't throwing yourself at every guy that glances your way," Mr. Mystery observed.

Mai took a glance at Kylie on the dance floor and stifled a laugh.

"There aren't many looking, to begin with," she commented.

"Hm, I beg to differ. I've seen plenty of guys checking you out. They're just intimidated by you because not only are you beautiful, you also seem to have self-respect, and they don't know how to handle that combination in a woman."

"Oh, I see, but you do?" She played hard to get, but that he thought she was beautiful, secretly flattered her. Mr. Mystery was gorgeous, but he was also a smooth talker. In her experience, that hadn't always turned out well for her.

"Perhaps not, but I'm bold enough to try. Does that count for anything?" he asked.

"Maybe," Mai said as she tried to stay as aloof as possible.

"Can we continue our conversation at the bar, over a drink?"

Mai hesitated. She wasn't sure what to make of Mr. Mystery yet. After a long pause of silence, she replied, "Okay."

He gently took her hand in his and guided her through the crowd to the bar. Mai ordered a glass of Rosé and he ordered a scotch on the rocks.

They continued their conversation well into the evening, and Mr. Mystery remained a gentleman the entire night.

Mr. Mystery glanced across the room. He paused as an older gentleman locked eyes with him and waved.

"It's been a pleasure talking with you tonight. Could I have the honor of knowing your name?" he asked before he stood up to leave.

"Mai, and yours?" she asked in return.

"Andrew. It was lovely to meet you." He took her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. "Perhaps we'll be fortunate enough to meet again one day."

With a smile, he said goodbye, and made his way across the room towards the older gentleman. He took a parting glance at Mai and followed the gentleman out the ballroom doors.

Mai collected Kylie and took her barely conscious friend back home. She couldn't stop thinking about the charming and handsome Andrew. She had gotten nothing but his name. She hadn't even seen his face. "Why didn't I get his phone number?" she thought in frustration.

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