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Hello. I am a beginner therefore there might be some mistakes – whether in the spelling or the meaning. Please feel free to point them out, however I'd like to kindly ask you to be polite.

This is a short story, an "experiment" ( see what I did there with the title and.. okay, nevermind) for me to see how this works. Thank you for checking this out. Have a great day/good night.

 He slowly opened his eyes, groaning mentally. Confusion, discomfort and eventually fear crept in his mind. He felt his back against a soft chair and all his arms and legs restrained. It was tape and he confirmed it while he tried to struggle. That thing was immobilising him well. 

 He felt dizzy, like he had been in a deep sleep and his eyes were heavy,  stubborn as they refused to stay open. "Was.. I ..drugged..?"  he asked himself. Everything was blurry at first. But slowly he started making sense of what was in front of him. Green... then light... it was a screen, no, it was a window? The room was dark but he could make up the wooden floor, plain walls, dark grey curtains and then the window. A huge, clear window which allowed him to see the bright and pleasant colours of the trees, grass.. Was it a park? A garden? He saw light creeping in through the foliage. He stared through the window and analysed the scenery. It was starting to calm him down a bit. It looked so peaceful..

But the feeling didn't last long as soon enough he heard a creak, followed by steady, slow steps. It sounded like classic male shoes. So there was a door behind him. Of course. Every room has an entrance. He just realised that he never thought about where the door would be. The very key to his escape or a gate to hell. Either one of those two. The window must be hard to break.. And he didn't know where this "forest" would lead him. He didn't even know if it was outside as he thought the light was a bit weird, too intense and too whitish for its source to be the star our solar system was revolving around. 

His overthinking was intrerrupted by the stranger's voice: "Oh, you're awake? Good, good. Just in time for the show." A calm, male voice stated, accompanied by steps, steps towards him. Will was still confused, he couldn't get a word out of himself. His head was heavy.. "Was my head always this heavy?" he jokingly asked himself. He also felt weak. Will hasn't felt this way since he was sick. "This is not a good sign."  A hand being placed on his shoulder jerked him out of his thoughts and let him know that the unknown person was right besides him. 

"Do you like the view? Looks just like a forest, doesn't it? Almost as you could feel the fresh air, the sunlight, ... the light breeze through your hair, on your skin,... as you could hear the breathing of the trees..." The calm voice made him feel and see all the images described by those sweet-sounding words, so that he started feeling calm, almost relaxed.. So peaceful and quiet.. Fortunately his rational side awakened the slight panick in him and he managed to get out some words, even though his lips felt soft and almost as heavy as his eyes, his dry throat not helping either. "Wh-at...what did you do to m.e..?" he forced out with a low, husky voice. A slight pause followed. Then again the calm voice surrounded his mind. "You just slept for a while. Worry not, everything is going to be okay. You're just in the right state to watch the wonderful experiment." Even dizzy, Will knew that judging by the circumstances, it was not going to be something good. He had to wake up, to struggle, fight, but... He couldn't do it. Maybe his physical state didn't allow him to, yes, that makes sense. Will liked that explanation. But maybe, just maybe the calm voice unconsciously made him weak, relaxed, without him realising it. 

"Here we go." the stranger said with an enthusiastic voice. Will prepared himself for the worst and stiffened up in his chair. He braced himself and was anxious that the peaceful scenery in front of him was going to change into something horrible.

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