It's perfectly covered by the bushes and he knows no one ever comes here.

He walks to the river. Putting his hands in the water, he inhales deeply, then exhales. As he lets the air leave his body, he pulls his hands out of the water and pulls some of it with him as well.

He lets the water surround his hands and plays it around his fingers. Then he takes all the water from his hands and forms a bubble in front of him. The bubble is still weak, but as he starts concentrating. It starts to slowly get the perfect form. He closes his eyes and then opens them again. He abruptly lets the water change shapes. Making a square, then a pyramid, then a heart. He smiles, then lets the water fall back into the water.

Finally perfect. Time to start on a new move.

He takes one of his basic material arts stances. Steady. Strong.

He slowly reaches with his hands forward to the river, then jerks his hands back roughly. A small wave occurs. He tries it again, this time a bit more controlled. He manages to get the wave into the direction he wants.

"It has to be bigger," he mumbles to himself. "How do I get it bigger?"

He takes his position again. This time a bit wider. He makes the same move, but this time moving his hand higher up.

The wave comes up again. Bigger this time. But the boy has no time to celebrate.


Before he can turn around he feels himself being roughly grabbed by the shoulder.

His eyes grow big as he sees it's his brother.

"Greg, I-"

Before he can explain, the older boy slaps him across the face.

Making him stumble backwards before his brother grabs him by his jaw.

"Are you trying to get us caught?" Greg hisses. An accusing look in his eyes.

Tears were forming into his eyes. "N-no. Of course not. I-I just thought nobody ever came here."

His brother pushes him back. "Oh stop crying you little baby. God, you always try to play the innocent one."

Niall quickly wipes the tears away.

"H-how did you know I was here?"

"I came home early. I saw you running past the house. I could see from your face that you were up to something. Of course I was right. Please tell me that this is not a regular thing you do."

The waterbender didn't even realize he had nodded until his brother harshly slapped him again.

"Why are you such a fool!? You know how risky this is!"

The boy rubs his cheek. "Please don't tell mom."

Greg runs a hand through his hair. "Are you serious right now? You're worried about mom!? There are much bigger people you need to be worried about. I can't believe mom and dad didn't give you up like I told them. You're not only getting yourself into problems, you're pulling us with you as well. I never even wanted to play a part in this!"

Niall bites his lip. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

"No!" his brother screamed at him. "You're not. You're cursing our entire family with that stupid ability of yours. I want to be admiral someday, but I can't because my stupid baby brother is the enemy of our nation. Why am I even protecting you!?"

"I'm part of this nation as well," the boy bites back.

Greg let out a bitter laugh. "You're not. You're one of them. One of those monsters. You're even practicing those damn powers." He shakes his head. Then looks his little brother in the eyes. "Listen, I'm not going to protect you anymore. However I do want to protect mom and dad. I want you to never ever use your powers again. I don't want you to get us all killed. Do you understand?"

Niall looks to the ground, but then nods.

"I need you to promise me."

"I promise," the boy manages to get out, barely audible.

That was the last time he could freely water bend. After that time, he never bend again. Except for that one night.

But after that night. He never wanted to bend again.

Though right now, his hands were aching.

He wanted to bend so badly.

He had never longed for it that much.

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