Truth Be Told

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Emma wanted to have a little peace of mind to think things through so she went to the shore where she and Henry usually meet. She sat at the small castle she built with the boy. She was staring at the beautiful horizon, feeling the cold breeze brush her face.

She was in deep thoughts she didn't realize that someone was walking towards her.

"Hey," a sultry voice said. Emma quickly recognized it was Regina's. The blonde glanced at the brunette in front of her.

She was wearing a black skin tight jeans, black top with a royal blue coat and a nice pair of boots. Holy crap! Emma thought. How could she become so much hotter?

"Hey," Emma murmured back trying to look composed but underneath her top, her heart was pounding loud and fast.

"Mind taking a walk?" Regina asked. Emma just shrugged and hopped out from sitting. She put her hands in her pockets. They both walked slowly.

"So... I was dying to know how you found your way back. I mean, there's no way you could get back in Storybrooke!"

"Well, Hook found me in New York and gave me a potion to restore all my lost memories," Emma explained.

"Oh, wow..." Regina remarked, sounding disappointed. It should've been her who should've saved her girl, not Hook. But it turned out, she's the villain and the cause of her pain.

"So how's everything?" she asked. "Different," the blonde woman mumbled under her breath. "But I guess some people just stay the same," she added, emphasizing the words.

"Yeah and I guess some feelings just stay the same too," Regina said in return. She looked straight into Emma's eyes with fire burning. Her stare made Emma uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here, by the way?" Emma asked to break the awkwardness. "I go here whenever I feel down, whenever I want to relive the good memories that happened here," Regina responded, a smile forming into her lips. Emma smiled and looked down at the sand. Almost instantly, her smile switched into a frown.

Out of the blue, Regina asked, "Are you still mad at me?"

"No," Emma replied, shaking her head. "Not at all."

They fell into another awkward silence. She wasn't mad at her, she was just upset. She was disappointed but she couldn't tell it to her face. She grabbed a small rock and played with it.

"It was nice seeing you again," Emma muttered. It was true. Emma was really excited to see her but she wasn't expecting to see her with Robin. Regina broke her heart before she left and she never really got over that until now.

"Yeah," Regina said, "Can I see you again some other time?" She asked casually.

"Sure. Guess I'll just see you around... with your guy." She tossed the rock into the water and started walking out from Regina.

"Emma, if you could just let me explain!" Regina yelled while making Emma face her.

"It won't matter anymore! It won't change anything!" Emma answered back.

"It would change everything!"

They tension was rising. Tears were acting up on their eyes.

"Why did you do that? How could you hurt me when all I did was love you unconditionally?" Emma's face turned red from anger.

"Emma, I did it because I love you."

"That's bullshit!" she yelled as she turned away while wiping off her tears.

"You don't understand... I... I..." Regina couldn't get the words out of her mouth. She was running out of breath and having a panic attack. She placed her right hand on her chest and tried to breathe steadily. "I had to make a deal with Gold."

Emma suddenly stopped walking. "In order to save you and Henry, he gave me one condition: I had to kiss Robin." Finally she let it slur out of her tongue. "Why would Gold give you a deal like that?" Emma asked with a tons of accusation while walking towards the older woman. "Because he knows you'll be hurt and that would give you another reason to leave," Regina explained between her short breaths. "Why didn't you tell me!" Emma shouted. "Didn't tell you? I tried many times but every time I do, you push me away!" Regina's breathing was getting worse. She was crying hard.

"I-I'm sorry Regina, I should've known. I should've listened to you before making my judgment," she said. "But now that I know the truth, it still wouldn't make any sense, you're with Robin and I don't want to be a home wrecker."

"Emma, please," Regina whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

Regina's face was turning pale and suddenly her knees dropped her to the floor.

"Regina!" Emma came rushing towards her and fortunately caught the brunette. She placed the weak woman on a better position.

Regina rested her head on Emma's chest and the blonde wrapped her arms around the older woman. The embrace made Regina feel so much better.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked, concern lacing through her voice.

"I'm sorry, Emma. I really am. Could you please give me a chance?"

"Regina, I have to bring you home, now."

"Wait, no. Just please hold me for little longer," Regina uttered in a weak voice.

They stayed in that position for another couple of minutes until Regina can get on her feet.

Emma drove Regina to her house but she was still weak so she had to walk her to her bedroom. Emma didn't want to have any more private or more personal time together because it doubles the pain she's feeling but she couldn't help herself. She tucked Regina to bed and brushed her hair. "You, rest well, okay?" Regina half smiled and held her hand. "Thank you, Emma." The feeling of Regina's skin on her sent a spark to all of parts of her.

Emma left the room but before she pulled the door close, she took a last look on the sleeping woman.

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