"Hi," venus said

Instantly knowing something was wrong he asked,

"What is it?"

"I- it's Sophia, do you know where Knox is?"

"Baby give him space, there's a lot you don't know," Dante sighed, as the sounds of paper shuffling came from the other side of the phone.

"Dante what are you talking about, Sophia is in such a fragile state she doesn't need this shit and definitely not from her own mate!" Venus exclaimed, feeling agitated over everything.

"Calm down sweetheart, I'll talk to him," he cajoled.

Venus sighed and mumbled an okay as she bid him bye and put the phone down, biting her lip, wondering what to do next.

Returning back to the room, venus pulled Sophia into a tight hug and they decided to spend the day at hers, even the environment in Sophia's house was so morbid with the over turned chairs and broken glass, it was hard to breathe.

Packing nightwear the three friends got into the car, decided to freshen up and stop at James place, then headed out for ice cream.

"God I want ice cream like right now," Sophia complained, looking much fresher after taking a shower and changing, now they could see her pregnancy glow, after picking up some stuff from James' house they drove to a close-by ice cream shop.

After 5 scoops of different flavors on Sophia's part, they returned home, stopping at the gas station because Sophia wanted .... Peanut butter and pickles.

When James questioned the pregnant woman, she started crying, saying they were calling her fat, as a horrified James tried to console Sophia, telling her that's not what he meant at all.

After getting snacks for the night they headed home, just as they parked the car in the garage, the main door opened.

 Dante, Gabriel, and Knox stepped out, all wearing formal attire and a frown on Knox's face.

The minute they stepped out of the car, Knox tilted his head up, closed his eyes, and took a deep whiff, his eyes snapped to Sophias wide blue ones who looked scared, his eyes softened.

Tense silence settled.

"James, I wanna go back," Sophia whispered, her hand protectively over her very small baby bump, hands fisting the lock on the car.

Knox saw the protective mother's stance and started walking towards her, Sophia on alert moved back, hurt triggered in his silver-grey eyes but he concealed it.

"Sophia come here," Knox said, in a flat tone.

She clutched the hem of her sundress as if ready to run, she shook her head wildly and whispered no.

"Sophia I said come here," Knox said again, his eyes carrying a warning.

Her lips started trembling and tears formed in her eyes and she again shook her head and choked on her words saying no.

Knox was about to move and grab her arm but venus stepped in front of him, eyes glaring daggers.

"Beta I believe she said no two times," venus said, her voice icy cold, Kaya triggered.

"Step aside, this is our matter," Knox said coldly, not taking his eyes off Sophia.

"N-no stay away from me, if this was our matter you shouldn't have stormed out on me in the first place after trashing the house and acting like a complete son of a bitch!" Sophia screamed, tears streaming down her beautiful face as she regarded her mate with furious yet heartbroken eyes.

"Everyone come inside right now!" Dante thundered, a command in his voice, and the alpha had spoken, everyone was to oblige.

James and venus on either side of Sophia headed inside and they all settled in the living room, the three friends sitting across their mates.

Sophia was the first to speak.

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