The new kid

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Foxy's POW

Me and the pirate crew were chilling and Foxy the pirate is now with us also we were knocking a few back then a portal to the shadow realm appeared.What the hell.Jack screamed then a kid that looked like he wad 5 years old with torn up clothes and cuts all over his body he also had wolf ears and a tail walked through it and collapsed as the portal closed.Funtime Foxy help me get him to the infirmary!Foxy the pirate screamed at me as I walked over helping him pick up the kid.

3 hours later


?? POW

I was laying in a bed I could fell all my cuts were patched I then sat up to see two people with fox ears and tails and there was another person he was more human like one of the foxs saw me and out of fear I teleported away I then seemed to be in a closet and had no more teleports I then collapsed to the floor crying and wimpiring I then passed out.

Lolbit's POW

I walked up to the closet and opened the door to see a little boy with wolf ears and a tail balled up on the floor sleeping I picked him up and brought him out then he woke up he seemed scared at first but he calmed down I got his name also it was Tristen then Funtime Foxy came in.Hey girls have you seen a little ki-there you are kid.He said.Oh hey Foxy.I said running up and hugging him.Hi Lolbit.He said with a faint chuckle and a grin on his face then all of a sudden the alarm off even though ut was safe year then a high level mage busted in none of us were able to stop him.Now where are you little runt ahha.He said reaching for Tristen but then Tristen dodges the black arm.I'm not going back.he screamed with yellow beams of light coming out of his hands killing the mage and blinding us then when it cleared up we saw some thing spectacular-

(Welp left you on a cliff hanger there so you gotta wait till next chapter to read on)

The Foxes Story (Funtime Foxy x Lolbit)Where stories live. Discover now