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Foxy's POW

I walk down stairs to my room I covered in blood I'm worthless all I do is make it worse on them because I have no powers and everybody else dose I kept repeating  I was cleaned up and on my way to the couch then I Triped and crawled the rest of the way then got up up on my couch and bawled up crying an hour later baby walked in and calmed me down then she asked why I keep crying I said it's because you guys put your lifes at risk trying to save mine.

Baby POW

I was looking at my computer and saw a fox in the vents I looked  on the digital map and I went to the location and blasted the wall open I saw her back away in fear I asked WHO ARE YOU she said  L- ooo-lllllll-$&%$&^%^&$^%$&^& bb--iii-t  I reached out and she yelled ddddd*&^*&^&%&$^$ -o-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't mmmaaakkee  mmm-e g-oooo bbaaaacckk .I said its okay I wont make you go back we went back to my room to see if we can find a file on her I coulden't and said lets go to foxy's he might he is a computer wizard.We dashed to his room and found a note

Hey guy's If you see this don't go down the elevator for all of our sakes I worthless and dont want to morn about me and you all will be safer this way. --Funtime Foxy

Lolbits POW

I was following Baby to an elevator when we got there and were underground  I heard a 9...8...7 then saw another fox was going to shock himself to death  he said with a hint of sorrow in his   voice and a fake smile on his face  I guess this is the end of the show it got to 0 and when I heard his screams I broke down crying.baby ran and unpluged the machine D$^%$^%$%^OO#$%#ONN%*&^%$^%TT.His body fell in a smoke.

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