Chapter 5 - Dream Goes On

Start from the beginning

I took a shower and got ready as fast as I could. I met Brittany out by the sidewalk.

“Did you hear?” she smiled.

“Yes! You can come over again.”

“But onto the next topic, who’s that guy you were with yesterday?”

I blushed a little, “You saw that?”

“I walked out of the library to find you walking on the edge of town with a guy. Who is he?”

“Well,” I paused, “he’s kinda the guy we saw a few weeks ago.”

“What guy?”

“The one that disappeared into the wall.”

“Him?!” she stopped us from walking, “What happened?!”

I smiled, “I’ll tell you later.”

“Come on! Give me something!”

“Okay,” I laughed, “We sat down and talked. He’s really nice.”

“Nice?” she smirked.

“He is! All we did was talk. I had to go before I got in trouble for not being home.”

“What’s his name? Where’s he from? Are you gonna see him again?”

“His name’s Carter. He’s from the United States of America and yes.”

“Aww, his name’s Carter? That’s totally a sign.”

“Yeah,” I smiled.

“But United what?”

“I’ll explain that later in the library!”

“You like him don’t you?” she asked.

We walked up the steps to the school, “I’ve only talked to him once I don’t even know him very well.”

“You’re totally in denial! Of course you like him!”


“Lily likes Carter!” she teased.

“Stop!” I laughed, “Stop!”

“Deny it all you want but I know the truth,” she said and winked at me leaving me alone at my locker.

            Of course I like him I thought as I grabbed my books out of my locker. The way he looked at me and his smile and beautiful eyes and his blonde hair. Then there was the connection we had and our bizarre psychic moment. I wonder what that was. Maybe I’ll look that up too. I went to my first class and sat behind Brittany.

“You like him, “she whispered to me.

“Shut up,” I said and turned my attention to the board.

            When I got to science class I was paired with my classmate Alicia because the teacher still assumed Brittany and I weren’t friends. He forced Alicia and I to go to the library after school. I looked over at Brittany but didn’t know what to do. We can’t share our research if Alicia’s there and I can’t stay after because my mom will be expecting me. Brittany passed me a note after class: sleepover?

I wrote back and tossed her the note: ask your parents and I’ll ask mine.

She passed it back quickly: use the ‘I miss her’ excuse.

I smiled and rolled my eyes at her. I could see her smiling too from the corner of my eyes. I tried to rush my way through the day so I could figure out what Brittany knew. She was keeping a great poker face pretending she didn’t find anything out. As soon as I was finished studying I ran home to ask mom is Brittany could come over.

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