"Answer me!"  demands Luffy, sweat trickling down the side of his head.

I clenched my fists, allowing Haki to darken it I threw a shot at Luffy's jaw. I was open, squatting down I drove my leg around how Luffy did before successfully tripping him up. He lay flat on the ground coughing. Clutching my sleeve I shot out the kunai. It didn't hit him but it hit his clothes so he was hinged to the floor just a few inches away from Paulie.

"Why won't you talk to me? Why do you have Robin, why?" he grumbles. I stand and walk out.

I'm sorry Luffy...

~Time Skip~

After leaving Luffy and Paulie in the room I was moved to Iceburg's hospital room. I walked in with Kaku in his disguise and Kalifa right behind me. Nico and Blueno were already there. I could hear their muffled speech. Right here and I now I stand next to the CP9 side by side now with Iceburg staring at us in disbelief we take off our masks.

"We are the Cipher Pol 9," says Kalifa staring down at him who was kneeling on the floor in shock.

Kaku walks forward and gives out an apology of somewhat.

"We've been concealing ourselves, don't worry we did all the jobs properly," Rob speaks up, even though the tension in the air was thicker than the raging water outside.

"I understand your discouragement, but this case has been allowed on us has reached its limit and we're here to do our job," He says. 

I just can't feel just of out of place.

I wasn't assigned to do this at the start, I don't feel anything or anything belonging to carry out this. Instead this case has torn me. Iceburg's heads registered everything Rob says. Rob crosses his arms.

"From now on we will accomplish our goals it'd be better if you don't plan anything on your accord," 

Iceburg stays still and thinks of what to say next when Rob makes sure what situation and why they were the CP9 and how they weren't supposed to exist.

"We have the right and power to kill any human if it is posed as a threat to the community," 

Iceburg's heads rose as Rob sucker-punched his jaw. Iceburg quietly swears under his breath, his eyes boring into the 6 of us. The floor started to rumble, the walls started to shake, I could hear someone bolting our way. 

"Brat," spat Iceburg before he passes out. Kalifa throws his sheet over his body. 

On my right, the wall miraculously broke down. Now clearer I could hear hollering. The wall crumbles before us, bricks were thrown to the side. There stood Monkey D. Luffy and Paulie. We all faced them as they looked at us bewildered.

"Y-your all dressing like the ones going after Iceburg's life.." trails Paulie. Luffy looks at me.

"Y/N," he whispers to himself. "Why?" 

Paulie gets worked up as he looked at everyone's faces one by one. 

"Lucci...Kalifa?" He turns again to meet my eyes. "Y/N..." His head movement become faster. "Kaku? Blueno!?" he cries. Everyone's heads dip down and we all look the other way. "ENOUGH WITH THE JOKES GUYS!" 

Luffy didn't face me but notices Lucci and Kaku's faces and said a small remark under his breath. Nami, Chopper and Zoro file in. They step back when they saw me. Nami holds a hand up to her mouth as her eyes don't break contact with me. Rob turned to his side.

"Paulie, would it be okay if I told you if we're actually Government intelligence operatives," He begins. Paulie's face doesn't change. "You'll forgive me if I apologize? We're companions, we made ships together day and day out..." Rob hummed. "Well if it's too sudden then would you like me to step on Iceburg's face?" he taunts.

Paulie's face drains, his eyebrows crease. He was mad, furious. His eyes looked like he was ready to kill someone. His veins on his bloodied head clenched, throbbing against his skin. His face raised.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS IS TOO MUCH! YOU MADE FREAKIN FOOLS OUT OF US!" His tears mix in with the sticky blood on his face. Iceburg speaks up from the floor. He woke up pretty quickly especially a punch from Rob.

"STOP IT PAULIE!" My eyes were now watching what was unfolding. 

It was both emotional and personal. Paulie was still determined to unleash his rage. Making sure his footing was on point he sent out his first attack straight at Rob who didn't take much effort to look at him. Paulie was racing at Rob at top speed with rope in both hands. He inched closer and closer and Rob didn't seem to care. Once Paulie was close enough he countered with "shigan" before Paulie could even lay a land on him. Rob's finger pulls back and it's covered in Paulie's blood. Paulie's face looks even more beaten up than it did before. He was pushing it.

"You don't get it don't you?" says Rob. 

Behind me, I could hear Luffy grumbling he was tumultuous. I turned my body to face him. So many things are through me. I feel guilty at the same time.

"Your life will expire soon, might as well end it," mumbled Rob to Paulie on the ground. Paulie cries out in pain. "I thought we were friends but clearly not,"

In the corner of the room, Iceburg tried standing but failed.

Shrieking hoarsely he picks his fight. "Lucci you bastard!" 

At the same time, Paulie and Luffy take a shot at Rob.

"STOP!" shouts Luffy. 

Kalifa nudges me. I look up to her cunning eyes. 

"Go restrain him," She flicks me, I nod in disagreement. She eyes me expectantly.

"GOMU GOMU GATLING!" Luffy runs up closer to Rob and he punches his with evenly and consecutive punches. 

 Kalifa's gaze intensifies. I refuse. I sigh, no. She raises a nail to her neck and with one quick movement I understood my consequences. Rob picked this up and left himself in the open. Paulie tries to strike again but Rob releases "sora" as he skimmed the edge of Paulie's abdomen just after Luffy coming up to drag him back. Steam hogs the air and the clack of my heels echo. I moved around to now be behind Luffy's back. Paulie lays on the floor tired and bleeding profusely from his head.

"What are you doing Straw Hat?" Inspects Rob. 

Zoro sees me sketchily walk around the rubble, his hand rests on one of his Katana's. I bit my inner cheek. 

"YOU REALLY ARE A TRAITOR!" screams Luffy, his body moves forward and I rush up to hook my arms around his shoulder blade locking his body in place. "Wha- Y/N?" his heads whip around to me and I look away. I silently whacked my hand against his cheek so he'd face Rob again.

"Why side with Paulie?"

Luffy struggles in my grip as he shoots his body forward to negate.


My mouth went dry, at this point I don't have any words to say. Nami then pitches in after her bold silence.


Robin does falter. "Didn't you hear my goodbye from the cook and the doctor, you all don't listen quite well. I have a goal that I have that I cannot achieve when I am with you," she pauses. "I'd do anything accomplish this, anything,"

Zoro walks forward one katana unsheathed.

"So Y/N it would be nice if you let go and Luffy. Are you okay with Robin leaving the crew?" 

Luffy's elbow rose and he broke free off me.


Hey Guys,

here we are with another edit, I hope to get more in-depth with Luffy x Reader, right now is all the build-up of the arc itself and I don't want to rush things because I want to make this good. Thank you for reading.


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