"I'm much older than you, but if it will make you feel better, I'll be here for you if you need somebody to talk to," He said with a smile. I smiled back at him, grateful to have someone I could talk to that wouldn't make fun of me every chance they got. I knew that Tony knew when to take things seriously, but having Steve to talk to would be a nice change.

"Thank you, Steve." I said, before turning back to the computers. Steve and I made small talk for a while, before Fury asked to see him, so he left. I was fine with that, and simply watched the small screen as it loaded several programs that would help to find my brother.

After a few hours of sitting there, my recent lack of sleep had caught up to me, and I started falling asleep, my head beginning to lean forward. Suddenly, a beeping sound cuaght my attention, and I jerked awake.

"We got a hit. A 67% match,"

I was out of my seat in an instant, and across the room to the computer that showed a video of Loki walking by a camera. I was once again struck by how handsome he was, but quickly shook myself out of it. How could I be even the slightest bit attracted to the man who had stolen my brother from me? It was immediately replaced by loathing. This was the man that had taken my brother!

"Wait, cross match; 79% match."

"Location?" Fury asked. By now our whole group was there, and was surrounding the computer.

"An opera house in... Stuttgart, Germany," The technician said.

Germany? We could make it there in time, I know that we could. I stood up straight, and looked around at everyone, holding out my hands.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Loki's not going to wait around for us to get there!" I said. It was only then that they jumped into action.

"I'll have a plane waiting in the hanger, meet me there when you guys are ready," Natasha spoke to the rest of the team, heading out of the room. I was too excited about finding Loki that I didn't bother to change out of my skinny jeans, knowing that I probably wouldn't be fighting anyways. That would be up to Steve and Tony to handle.

I started sprinting after Natasha, and soon caught up with her. We ran side by side, reaching an empty jet in no time.

"You ready for this?" I asked her. She sat in the pilot's seat, and turned around to face me with an overly concerned look.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked. I frowned, not knowing what she meant. Of course I would be alright! I would be more than alright, since this was my one opportunity to find out where Clint is. Once we had Loki, he would have to tell us where to find him, right?

"What do you mean?"

Natasha frowned at me as I sat down in the co-pilots seat.

"I mean, if we get Loki you won't go all angry younger sibling on him, right?" She said. I huffed, and crossed my arms. I was about to say something, but quickly realized that it would be childish. I uncrossed my arms, and sighed, leaning back in the chair.

"I guess you're right. We won't get anything out of him if I start screaming at him like a banshee..." I admitted, seeing that my original plan wouldn't have worked as well as I had hoped. I shook my head, not liking this.

Natasha nodded at me, and I got up and sat in the seats towards the back, waiting for everyone else to get here. Once Steve was here and in his uniform, we took off, Tony right behind us in his suit. I made sure that my gun was loaded and ready to use if I had to, even though I knew that it was unlikely. The flight to Germany took shorter than I thought it would, and I was amazed at how fast these things could go.

Complicated -- An Avengers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now