Chapter 60- Time Is On My Side

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I shake my head and laugh. "It's been two hours."

"Felt like two years, love."

I smile and pull him into a hug again.

"What is all of this for? There are all those stars on the dance floor. What's it for baby?" I ask.

"You hungry? Come on, I'm sure you're starving."

"You're avoiding the question."

I grab his jacket, realizing he's changed into something new. I glance at what he's wearing. He's dressed in his black fedora, a black jacket and a red button-up shirt with a silver armband. He has his usual loafers on his feet.

"Like my outfit?" He winks at me.

"I love it. You're incredibly handsome," I kiss his cheek.

"Why thank you. Now what do you want to eat sweetheart?"

"Pickles, bacon and cheese sounds delicious right now," I reply.

He turns to me with a frown, suppressing a giggle. "What?"

"You asked what I wanted to eat buster. Now go get some for me," I order.

"That's the pregnancy talking," he mutters as he pats my cheek.

"Hey, at least I asked for a vegetable." I point out.

"That you did. Don't worry Alondra, one cheeseburger with bacon and pickles coming right up."

I smile as he saunters away, "Her cravings never cease to amaze me..."

About ten minutes later, Michael shows up again at the table where I've decided to take a perch. My feet and back are aching, aching.

"Finally," I giggle as he sets the interesting sandwich in front of me.

"Bon appétit. Tell me what you think."

I bit into the sandwich almost immediately, and it didn't even taste bad.

"Mmm," I take another bite. "This might just turn into a regular combo, babe."

He chuckles and kisses my cheek before sitting next to me.

Time passes, and a few of Michael's brothers come over to the table and chat with us.

I lick off my fingers and wipe my hands with a napkin. "Alright Michael. We've been out here for almost three hours, and you still haven't told me what this whole party is for."

He stands up and takes a microphone from the mini-stage set up behind him, where The Rolling Stones just concluded their performance for their song Time is On My Side.

"Excuse me, may I have everybody's attention!" He says.

His sweet voice echoes and soon enough everyone quiets down.

"First, I want to thank everyone for showing up tonight, it means a lot to us," Michael lays a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"As of right now, Alondra doesn't know what this party is for," all of the guests smile.

"So I'd like all of us to tell her. Guys, what's this amazing get together for?"

"It's your own surprise baby shower!" They all chant.

I sit still for a moment. Then, it all makes sense to me. The same color scheme as the baby nursery, all the 'congratulations' and belly rubs...

I've been at my own party the whole night.

Michael, you're smooth for that one.

A huge smile cracks across my face and I shout, "Thank you!"

The crowd laughs and Michael smiles down at me.

"And in reference to The Rolling Stones' song, time is on my side. Because I have you forever sweetheart."

I blush, and all the women in the audience swoon. I get up and hug him tightly.

"Which is why, Alondra," Michael speaks into the mike, "Which is why I want your hand...."

I give him a confused smile at his long pause, as he pulls away from our hug and holds my left hand.

"In marriage."


Chapter 60

It finally happened!




~Joy ✌️

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