{Chapter Twenty-Two}

Start from the beginning

  "Oh, so you two are friends again? Well, be quick. We have the popcorn going. You don't want it to be cold."

  "Sure. I'll be there."

  They looked at each other as Lauren ended the conversation. She wasn't sure what to say. Her mouth was dry and numb from kissing, and she was intensely attracted to Joan yet Lauren knew she needed to leave. They could only kiss for so long before they started to go further and further. Lauren wasn't sure she was ready although a part of her really wanted to. Joan looked so beautiful with her messy hair, and her simple black tank top and jeans.

  "Family movie night," Lauren said with a short laugh. "I forgot. I better get going."

  "Oh sure, it is getting late."

  "Yeah... I'll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can see a movie?"

  "Sounds good," Joan smiled. "So are you okay?"

  Lauren was surprised at the tone of Joan's voice. "Yeah, I'm fine."

  "We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Joan said after a moment. "I'll still be your friend. We can just forget all of this if that's what you want."

  "No," Lauren said quickly. "I want to."

  Joan smiled and looked down at her hands. "I just mean... if it ever makes you uncomfortable, and you don't want to explore this anymore just tell me okay? I'll understand. I don't want you to feel pressured."

  "I got it," Lauren said. "I'd tell you if I didn't want to be here."

  "Do you want me to walk you home?"

  "No, I'll be okay. You have to work tomorrow so you should get to sleep," Lauren said with a smile as she slipped on her shoes.

  "Alright," Joan smiled.

  Lauren lowered the light of the lamp before leaving; glancing back at the girl who was now lying on her back and looking up at the ceiling. Lauren wanted to stay, and curl up under the blankets, but she knew it wasn't a good idea. She walked through the quiet house, and just as she was leaving Henry and Wren were coming up the sidewalk. Henry grinned and ran up to embrace her and spin her around in a circle.

  "You're back!"

  "Yeah, I was just hanging out with Joan," Lauren said as she laughed as he finally put her down on the ground.

  "So you guys aren't fighting anymore?" Wren asked.

  "We never were. I got to get home though. Apparently it's movie night."

  "It's more fun here with us," Henry protested. "Come back inside. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. I miss you."

  "I'll be over tomorrow I promise," Lauren said.

  "Let's walk her home," Henry said to Wren. "She can't walk by herself."

  "I'll be fine! Go get something to eat. I hear your stomach rumbling."

  "Oh alright," he said; he kissed her on the cheek, and then whispered in her ear. "I like the idea of you with Joan. I think you two will be good for one another."

  "What did you say?" Wren asked as Lauren stared at him; feeling slightly stunned.

  "Nothing," Henry said. "Bye Lauren!"

  "Bye you two," Lauren said as she gave Wren a quick hug before starting down the dark sidewalk.

  Jake called near the end of movie night, and Lauren was too tired to talk to him, but she knew how hard it was for him to make calls so she talked to him for ten minutes. She sat on her bed, and she listened to his stories. He asked what was going on at home, but she didn't have much to say. Just school and work she lied. 

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