Chapter One..

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It had been a day since she left her foster parents. Now she sat on a unstable wooden boat in the middle of the ocean. She sighed and heard stomach grumble. She held her tear stained face and looked out over the horizon. Her outfit was usual. With jeans and a T-shirt. She also was barefoot. But thats cause she took off her shoes and laid them on the boat. They were brown and ragged up. When ever she put them on she felt sad and unconscious. She was tired and wanted food. Maria laid down on the boat and slipped on her shoes. She felt comfortable with them on, though. The boat was rocking side to side, which made her very sleepy. She had been crying a few minutes ago, because she now regretted leaving the foster home. Maria tried to sleep, but she wouldn't let herself. She was hungry. And she needed food- or she would die.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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