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Two days

It was only two days after everyone evacuated. Everything seemed fine. Everyone thought that they were out of the Raiders grasp. They were wrong.

Very wrong

It all happened so quickly. To them all, it seemed as though the Raiders were waiting for them. That they had somehow known about their plan to escape. That they had prepared for them to pass by.

They were all so close. So close to getting out of their territory and into the heart of the woods. But no. Things had to go wrong. Clementine's worries were confirmed. They were not going to make it.

"Get the guards!" A Raider yelled while the villagers attempted to help out the knights in battle. It all seemed to be getting better. That in any moment the villagers and Knights would be able to fail the Raiders ambush until the Raiders started going for the children who were hidden in the wagons.

They were getting slaughtered which caused most of the villagers to ditch their battles and attempt to protect the children. Clementine ran to help the villagers but ended up getting tripped and received a blow to the head that knocked her out. Lee and Carley were unable to do anything for they were fighting too and since they saw Clementine run towards the wagon they thought that she would be safe.

But they had a nagging feeling that it was the opposite of what they thought. And that nagging was finally confirmed when the Raiders finally backed away from the fight... And the remaining people alive from the ambush realized that Clementine wasn't anywhere to be found.

She was taken.


"Ugh, why do we have to do this again?" Louis grumbled

"Oh I don't know, maybe to survive?!" whisper shouted Violet.

"We could've gone fishing though!"

"Fishing is my thing, Lou! You're more of a scobberlotcher acting like a child scared of a bug when you try to fish!"

"It's not my fault! Their scales feel like slimy cantaloupe skin and I hate cantaloupe! Plus they wiggle around too much"

"They're alive! Why else would the wiggle around?!"

"Alright you two enough!" yelled Aasim which caused both friends to stop their bickering.

"We can't go fishing because the Raiders have camped by the river for the night. Marlon said he was going to go check out why when we get back from hunting" sighed Aasim.

Louis let out a small 'oh' while Violet just shook her head.

"What on earth are they doing near our place anyways? They couldn't have followed us could they?" Violet asked Aasim.

"We don't know but Marlon has a feeling that they are planning something. It shouldn't bother us though," replied Aasim, motioning to the group that they were near their hunting grounds.

After hunting for a few hours the group had managed to find a few rabbits, some birds and a lot of groundhogs. It was enough to last them a few weeks before they had to go hunting for more.

On their way back they passed by the river where they normally go fishing and noticed that the Raiders camp was empty.

The teenagers stayed hidden for a while and wondered whether they should raid it or leave it be until they saw the Raiders returning to their small camp.

"Shoot! They're back! Let go before they catch us around here!" whispered Aasim as he turned around and got to a safe distance away from the camp. Louis slowly followed and they continued walking the path to their run-down school until he realized that Violet wasn't with them.

Arrow to My Heart | Violentine [Medieval AU]Where stories live. Discover now